Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


That will keep your plants green ! If I wasn't sitting on so much foods I'd order a bag. Excellent mineral profile:

I actually called JR Peters and asked them what they recommended for cannabis in hydro and they said to use 5-12-26 hydroponic and 15-0-0 calcium nitrate throughout the grow, excepting a two week period when starting bloom cycle using 10-30-20 Blossom Booster. I am assuming your recommendation of the Petunia mix is based on a soil grow?

That will keep your plants green ! If I wasn't sitting on so much foods I'd order a bag. Excellent mineral profile:

I actually called JR Peters and asked them what they recommended for cannabis in hydro and they said to use 5-12-26 hydroponic and 15-0-0 calcium nitrate throughout the grow, excepting a two week period when starting bloom cycle using 10-30-20 Blossom Booster. I am assuming your recommendation of the Petunia mix is based on a soil grow?
peters...excuse me, Jack's (still hard for me to remember which is the current name :P) has been used by pros for many decades now. It's cheap, it's great, and I think I'm going back after I run out of my hydro-shop brand. ;)
I actually called JR Peters and asked them what they recommended for cannabis in hydro and they said to use 5-12-26 hydroponic and 15-0-0 calcium nitrate throughout the grow, excepting a two week period when starting bloom cycle using 10-30-20 Blossom Booster. I am assuming your recommendation of the Petunia mix is based on a soil grow?

Yes it is. I'm very surprised they'd recommend something for pot. Is the 5-12-26 with CaNO3 complete?
Hey UB! Not sure where else to post this but you've long advocated time released ferts. Would something like chickity doo doo (commercial composted chicken poop) be sufficient for flowering? I know I should go by what the plant is telling me it needs but I'm unsure how to go about adding additional product if i need more. It's a 5-3-2 npk
Hey UB! Not sure where else to post this but you've long advocated time released ferts. Would something like chickity doo doo (commercial composted chicken poop) be sufficient for flowering? I know I should go by what the plant is telling me it needs but I'm unsure how to go about adding additional product if i need more. It's a 5-3-2 npk
I know you didn't ask me but I have used the stuff extensively over many years. It kicks ass no jokes, definitely sufficient for a whole run. It is pretty strong though, so strong you just need to drop a few spoomfuls on TOP of the soil. With a little mulch and hey presto. It also works well as a drench, dissolve a teaspoon per half gallon and water down. Stinks when it is wet. You touch it and your whole arm reeks.
Hey UB! Not sure where else to post this but you've long advocated time released ferts. Would something like chickity doo doo (commercial composted chicken poop) be sufficient for flowering? I know I should go by what the plant is telling me it needs but I'm unsure how to go about adding additional product if i need more. It's a 5-3-2 npk

I think it would be excellent. Turkey poop is used around here for veggie gardens.

Good luck!
I read on a gardening forum some people claiming that you can't really go overboard with manure. The more the better. Is this true?

The claim was that as long as it is well composted, then it shouldn't burn your plants...
Not true.

Manure can really be hot. When I first started growing indoors I grew organically from start to finish without having to use little to any chemical fertilizer supplements. I was really pushing the salts found/converted in organics such as manures, blood meals, bone meal, etc. Want to fry some roots? Add a cup of blood meal to 3 gallons of soil. ;)

Thorough composting results in maximum salts being produced by microbes converting the organics and ammonical salts into nitrates and such. It's those salts that cause root burn and/or plant stress.

As an aside, I have to laugh when I hear organic purists say their organic goodies contain no chemicals. Where do they think the Chinese got the oxidizer (potassium nitrate) for their pyrotechnics a thou years ago? :)
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Want to fry some roots? Add a cup of blood meal to 3 gallons of soil.

Hell ya there man, I don't think it would take even that much When I first started out I got me a bag of that Miracle Gro Blood Meal to provide an N boost. I sprinkled a few tablespoons of that black shit on top and watered it down....and preceded to burn everything all straight to hell. There was no reversing the damage it did.
There is no teacher like sticking it up your own ass.
Hi Uncle Ben (and other positive contributors to these threads)

I never sign up for these forums, let alone post and participate, just because of the supreme levels of bullshit that gets thrown around.

That said and done, Uncle Ben, and other people who are positively and clearly contributing to dismantling this gargantuan amount of bullshit, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE RIGHT POINTERS AND INFORMATION.

Not to mention, the insane amount of patience and repetition you guys go through to cut through this shit, looking at half of the replies posted by individuals to these issues - well....there really isn't anything positive to say about that at all, except that I am in awe of the patience of the people providing the correct information / techniques / advice / tips while some stupid shit is being flung back at them (not to mention the levels of dumb arrogance and 'forum-aggression' hahahaha, its pretty childish, and thats rich coming from someone who himself isn't much more mature than a sperm...)

I won't go on anymore of a rant than that, no need, its all been said many times before, but, THANKS DUDES, its helped me out of the very confusing mess that is this canna specific nutrient SHITE, de-leafing, lollipopping and all.

All the best to you all, and Uncle Ben - MAKE IT A FUCKIN AWESOME DAY!

Happy happy joy joy :D