Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Here's a little progress from my garden. Soil is a combo of Peat and Kellogg's Patio Plus (buffered with Dolomite), amended with Fox Farms Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 dry fertilizer, and tweaked with Jacks Citrus Feed 20-10-20. (No gastric bypass procedures have been performed either)
Met some growers at the Maui Paia park not far from Jaws. Their genes of choice was African Swazi. There's your long season. ;)

African Swazi would probably = the entire season out here ...lol I don't mess with pure Sativa's, I prefer Sativa Hybrids personally.
For me on this White Widow, DynaGro and Protek are growing the widows like mad. I did Ben's topping after 6 nodes and now have two monster and two semi shoot coming from the pinch point. Strong dose of ferts and they are off to the races. no noticeable burn just a nice green color with shiny leaves. I'll post a journal soon, look for 420forever
Well I promised an update. It has been a challenge but I did finally get the little yellow stunted plants turned around. As it turned out it was a combination of compacted soil, and a nitrogen deficiency. After using the DynaGrow a couple times, and not seeing a quicker turn around, I decided to take a look at the roots. The soil was very heavy, not enough perlite, and very compacted. I repotted them into new soil, and saw improvement the next day.
The amazing thing with getting them in the right soil with more drainage is that they have needed very little supplemental nutrients. The one that is further along in flowering is a Goji OG in Miracle Grow soil with 20% added perlite. The second one is also a Gogi OG but this one had to be repotted twice. It is in Roots Organic, with a couple handfuls of Super Soil in the bottom.
Look how nice and green the leaves are now. This has been a great chance to start to learn how to read my plants. Thanks Uncle Ben for your tips, and getting me started down the right path. A couple before and after pictures are attached.
Goji OG.jpgGreen Goji OG.jpgYellow Seedling.jpg
That seedling was in pretty bad shape. Nice recovery! I love heavy potting soils. Heavy, not compacted.

How and when do you water? That soil looks pretty loose and organic to me, the one with the yellow seedling.

I think part of the problems was also the pots were to big for the seedling size. So with the heavier soil, I would water maybe once per week or every 10 days. The seedlings were not using much water so the top would dry out, and the bottom would stay wet.
The soil was Victory Empire Builder. From memory, I put a mix of 50/50 mix of Super Soil/Empire Builder in the bottom half of the 5-1/4" square pots, and straight Empire builder in the top half.
A little Molokai Kush did not recover so well. It stayed short, and started to flower at 2-1/2" tall. It will finish as one small bud at maybe one gram. Pollenated it with some GDP pollen though so at least I will get a few beans out of it.
Thanks again for all the work you put into this forum. It has changed many years of "industry brainwashing". How relieving it is to have basically organic soil, and a bottle of DynaGrow as the only things one needs to be more successful.
Might want to go with a 50/50 mix of soil/vermiculite. I buy the coarse type in very large bags, like 4' tall. All of this depends on your plants' vigor. I grow large plants with a lot of foliage and heavy root mass so it's next to impossible for me to over water as the wicking effect is really intense. If in the early flowering stage they don't get a quart of water twice a day per 3 gallon pot, they wilt.

You'll have to establish your own program. That's what gardening is all about. Perfecting the basics and doing what works best for you.

Happy to help....

Good luck,

Could you please ELI5 nutrient absorption and nutrient antagonism etc? I'd just like to better understand exactly what is going on at the root system. Is it kinda like, the roots are blindfolded and are just reaching out and grabbing whatever elements it can find? And some elements it cannot tell the difference between so that is why everything must be in the same ratio? If you have too much P you won't get enough Ca and Mg because the plant cannot pick and choose what it needs and those 3 are absorbed all the same? I'm just a little confuuuuuuused...

Also, the roots can only absorb N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg, Si, B, Cl, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, Ni, Se, and Na correct? They cannot absorb amino acids, sugars, proteins etc? So the people spending $200 on a bottle of just amino acids doesn't really benefit their plant at all?
