Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Have any pics? Do you see any waxy, shiny spots on your leaves? Can you see little black specs on the leaves that won't wipe off? Springtails don't fly and if you are saying they are flying then it is more likely thrip and if they look like little moths it could be white fly. Either event a picture would solidify answers...You need to start applications for any of these little bastards....JAS
Welcome to the thread! Based on your plants' health, how can you argue with success? 4C aka 40F is pretty damn low though. Indicas would not be too bothered with that, sativas surely would. The only thing it will do is slow down growth, plant health should be fine, the latter being more important. I'm talking disease and insect pressures, tendency for plants to use up carbos at night via respiration (versus cell division/elongation) because of excessive night time temps, etc. Having said that, optimum temps would be around 28/18C day/night. Might wanna consider a space heater or better still, use the heat from a HID rig - place the ballast real close to the garden, contain some of the heat with closely placed side reflective panels.


I never thought about putting that ballast inside my tent. This is why I allways hang out with older people. Wisdom.
I agree. Never found them to be a problem. When you water the plant and the pot is sitting in a plant saucer, you should see the little critters hopping around in the water. Pyrethrins should get them but the question is, are they causing any real world damage to the roots?

Well they are definitely not spring tails. I don't think they are doing much damage yet as I just discovered them in some new soil I purchased. A couple of the plants seemed stunted, and slow growing which could be from the aphids eating their roots. I thought I would try to knock them down before they got established.
They are too small to take a picture but look like the pictures on the web of root aphids. I don't see the little horizontal lines on their bodies but even with my 30x loop they are pretty small and hard to see as they move.

Well they are definitely not spring tails. I don't think they are doing much damage yet as I just discovered them in some new soil I purchased. A couple of the plants seemed stunted, and slow growing which could be from the aphids eating their roots. I thought I would try to knock them down before they got established.
They are too small to take a picture but look like the pictures on the web of root aphids. I don't see the little horizontal lines on their bodies but even with my 30x loop they are pretty small and hard to see as they move.

My advice is to drench the pot with a malathion mixture. 1 tsp. of 42% per gallon will do it. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse the pot with plain water.

A drench of Citrus oil aka Orange Oil might give you control.
Good stuff Uncle Ben, basics we sometimes forget (maybe it's the sampling of our wares? :) Totally agree on the watering, grew outdoor for a few years and recently went indoors, in my second round, I switched to a daily feed of 12oz/plant (automated drip system) split into two daily feedings, then a good drench once/week by hand when I check/clean/and give them some lovin' (also play them some music, I swear it helps!). My ladies are smiling, growing 30% faster and look much happier :)
Good stuff Uncle Ben, basics we sometimes forget (maybe it's the sampling of our wares? :) Totally agree on the watering, grew outdoor for a few years and recently went indoors, in my second round, I switched to a daily feed of 12oz/plant (automated drip system) split into two daily feedings, then a good drench once/week by hand when I check/clean/and give them some lovin' (also play them some music, I swear it helps!). My ladies are smiling, growing 30% faster and look much happier :)

Aint it a hoot! Welcome to RIU and the thread....
Thanks UB. I will give the Malathion a try. After seeing you rinse, I think I may have screwed up with Spinosad. I did a drench with it a couple days ago, did not rinse, and now my leaves are covered in small brown spots, leaves have lost their green luster, and hey look like they are rusty. I will post a picture this weekend.
Thanks UB. I will give the Malathion a try. After seeing you rinse, I think I may have screwed up with Spinosad. I did a drench with it a couple days ago, did not rinse, and now my leaves are covered in small brown spots, leaves have lost their green luster, and hey look like they are rusty. I will post a picture this weekend.

That's weird. You usually see that kind of stress due to high salts.
That's weird. You usually see that kind of stress due to high salts.

It is weird. Seems to have happened over a 2 day period. All organic soil so far, with one small dose of DynaGro so I don't think it sould be salts. I know a picture is worth a thousand words to when I get back to my camera on Saturday I will attach a photo.
Thank you again for all your help.
UB i've check everywhere at my local depot for the alfalfa pellets/meal but no luck,came across some options on amazon.com.did some research on alfalfa and nothing but good reviews

would this work:




Feed store.
UB i've check everywhere at my local depot for the alfalfa pellets/meal but no luck,came across some options on amazon.com.did some research on alfalfa and nothing but good reviews

would this work:



Here's the stuff I like. I mix a bit into my peat/coco/perlite/castings/misc.organics mix.



Want to throw another tank you your way. I've been trying to follow the Book of "Keep Dem Leaves Green Son!" through my first grow, and 5 weeks into the 12/12 flip I'm doing ok. (Sorry for the HPS pic)

View attachment 2845791

I've been giving the girls nothing but soil, some Jack's Classic 20-20-20, and tap water. Haven't ph'd a thing, and haven't paid more than $8 for nutes. I did amend and cook my FFOF soil with some seabird guano, worm castings, azomite and good bit of perlite, but that's about it.

As a newbie I had a lot of choices for which way to grow based on what I was reading, and your way made the most sense to me. I'm sure there's a million different ways to grow this weed, but the keep-leaves-green method you preach has gotten me pretty far along. Hoping to keep it up!

One question: I'm losing a good bit of my lower fan leaves, from what I assume is lack of light since I have six plants crowded into a space really best suited for 3 or 4. Is that explanaition most reasonable, or could I be underfeeding? Would underfeeding result in lower leaves wilting and dropping off?

Thanks Ben!
no luck at the feed store as well ub ,i know the markup on those merchant sites are high.got the blood meal 12-0-0 and bone meal 6-9-0 in the mail today.

would anyone of the links provided work or i may just grab me some down to earth alfalfa meal and done with..
no luck at the feed store as well ub ,i know the markup on those merchant sites are high.got the blood meal 12-0-0 and bone meal 6-9-0 in the mail today.

would anyone of the links provided work or i may just grab me some down to earth alfalfa meal and done with..

Find a place they sell alfalfa hay, and offer to sweep up the hay floor in exchange for what you collect = alfalfa meal.
My advice is to drench the pot with a malathion mixture. 1 tsp. of 42% per gallon will do it. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse the pot with plain water.

A drench of Citrus oil aka Orange Oil might give you control.

Well I just got back from being gone for 4 days. I hoped the problem would be getting better but it got worse. Looking at new growth it is difficult to see if they are coming out of it, or if this malady is just one that starts at the bottom, and moves to the top.
I do wonder if it may have been caused by the Sinosad Drench I did. It has hit pretty much every plant from small seedlings to more mature, and everything in between. A couple plants seem to be immune.
First picture is from 5 days ago, second same leaf today, and third an overall look (different plant).
I did also inspect the leaves for bugs but do not see any. The spots start on the tips of the leaves on the outer edge, and then spread along the whole leaf, finally moving through the whole leave.
What do you think?Spinosad Poisening.jpgSpinosad Poisening 5 days Later.jpgTop View.jpg