Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Not to mention that FIM apparently stands for "Fuck I Missed"..:)
I've always found that the more viciously I topped a plant, the more vigorous growth I got from it, so I see why you suggest growing so many nodes first..
Do you have any info sources as to 'why' the 2/4/8.... scheme appears at nodes 1/2/3....? Is that guaranteed to be common across all genetics? I'm just pretty good at spotting patterns like that, and I never really noticed that predictability..
Well when you topp the plants, you promote 2 main Colas, then all the inter nodes start growin up which results in all the "tops"
good stuff, nice info.

if i grow four main colas, would i snip the rest of the secondary growth to give more juice into the main colas? like the shoots at the bottom of the shoots that are the main colas? would this make the main colas grow bigger?
Uncle BEN, GREAT THREAD, + REP for you! I have tried and tried to master this technique, and please look at my pic under my signature. I had 13 stalks, 9 major ones, on one plant, by topping it 6 times, twice at 2, 3 and 4 weeks of VEGGING.

I had 9 major stalks on this one:


it almost fell out of the tank.
Not to mention that FIM apparently stands for "Fuck I Missed"..:)

That's about the <cough>, size of it LOL.

Do you have any info sources as to 'why' the 2/4/8.... scheme appears at nodes 1/2/3....?
Hmmmmmm, for some reason you're not understanding how the plant responds. I'll try again. Being that there are two leafsets at each node during veg, and there are dormant foliar buds in the axils of where the petiole attaches to the "trunk", then each node = 2 foliar outputs WHEN THE AUXINS ARE TRICKED INTO BEING REDISTRIBUTED TO THOSE SITES. :D IOW, when you cut above the 2nd node, you'll get 4 outputs - 2 from the first node and 2 from the second. It's when you get above 3 or 4 that it becomes iffy regarding the outcome. You'll find the typical forum advice for topping is around the 7th node. Why, I don't know.

Is that guaranteed to be common across all genetics?
Has been for me. I've done it on pure sativas like zamal (see photo) to indica-dom hybrids like Peak 19. This brings up a good point - I only concentrate on pure sativas or those with long internodes, using it as training tool to shorten plant height. A plant with multiple colas will be shorter than one with only 1 main cola.



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good stuff, nice info.

if i grow four main colas, would i snip the rest of the secondary growth to give more juice into the main colas?

No. That's like the old timers saying you should snip out the "suckers" on a tomato plant when in effect you're reducing production by removing the very thing that produces the buds - leaves.

like the shoots at the bottom of the shoots that are the main colas? would this make the main colas grow bigger?
If green and capable of photosynthesis, then no, they will provide food for the plant, simple botany. Forget this voodoo "energy" stuff you hear so much about and stick to botany.

Based on a CO2 flag from the leaf, the plant knows when to discard it. IOW, when the CO2 processing almost ceases, the plant knows it is useless and will drop it. A healthy leaf is using quite a bit of CO2, an unhealthy one, almost none.

Uncle BEN, GREAT THREAD, + REP for you! I have tried and tried to master this technique, and please look at my pic under my signature. I had 13 stalks, 9 major ones, on one plant, by topping it 6 times, twice at 2, 3 and 4 weeks of VEGGING.

Nice plant. Where on the plant did you do your first pinch?

When you're read to try again, flag me down. BTW, see if you can find any semblance of a terminal leader nub on that zamal posted previously. :D

I grow in a very fast DWC system, with a underwater pump and a tube feeder in the tank. I get an inch a day of growth.

After I see the 2nd node, and at about 5 inches tall, I snip out the one top, taking the two baby leafs and as little of the stem as possible. I do it at 2, 3 and 4 weeks again, but not just the tops, I do every branch..
Sorry, I get ya.. I just had FIM type notions on the brain.. The dimensions of the plant in your 3rd pic though are just so equal.. Are the colas in the center of the picture from the higher node??
Not all plants are that cooperative anyways..
Are the colas in the center of the picture from the higher node?? Not all plants are that cooperative anyways..

Yep. It's pretty amazing how uniform those colas will grow in height. The colas that came from the higher nodes, node 2 are usually taller than those from node 1.

Scince i plan on doing sog for my next grow, im planning on having a mother. If i used clones, how soon can i do this to get 2 tops? Also how long would i have to veg for after doing this technique? It seems like this might screw up my harvest every month idea i have going.. lol. Any info u have on this is greatfully appreciated!
Scince i plan on doing sog for my next grow, im planning on having a mother. If i used clones, how soon can i do this to get 2 tops?

As soon as you get at least 3 nodes and the cutting is well rooted.

Also how long would i have to veg for after doing this technique?

There's no difference. How long you veg for is your call.

Good luck,
Thats called lollipopping.. Some plants handle it better than others, but you need to pack alot of them really densely to make it worth it.. A week of vegging will make a GIANT difference in the yeild of a single clone though..
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