Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Active Member
I did read through this but 2 looks very similar to how you cut 4. Can someone please explain in dummy terms.
In the picture below, where it shows cut here for 2 main cola's, notice how there are going to only be 2 side branches, therefore 2 tops.

Now where it says cut here for 4 main cola's, notice how there will be 2 branches just at the cut and 2 more branches from the node below. If you cut higher like it says you will get more tops, but with smaller buds.

But you can top higher, and cut your lower branches as I have done and create the same effect. Tying down your branches so the tops are lower than the branch itself is called LST. This is not necessary at all but can be used to help to even things out and for other various reasons.


Awsome! I see, iv only done this once befor and i all i did was keep pinchin off the tops. This is much more efficiency.


Active Member
My plants have alternating nodes which is why I was asking about clones. This thread has 386 pages... I read the first 12 and last 5 pages and still don't see alternating node topping mentioned or explained or if it's even possible to get 4 main kolas, hence why I asked.

yes, you can

Clones can be cut earlier than seedlings, so as soon as you see 4 nodes (doesn't matter if they are alt or not), then you have your nodes cultivate... when the 5 one comes in cut it off

if the bottom shoot doesn't take off then temporarily bend the other branches down like LST style

you can simply watch the plant grow and if one node dominates you can lower it for a few days

you don't need to use the bottom 4, I mean if you're plant has manynodes already you can select four and top above that and remove the bottom nodes... then let it go and keep an eye on any guys who try to dominate, you can simply lower them with a string or wire for a few days and the others will even out and catch up

I'd suggest googling for bonsai articles


Well-Known Member
@The45King: I told my buddy to follow your method of topping above the 3rd node and then removing the bottom 2 budsites to use as cuttings to get the 4 main colas that are more equal in height and weight. Sounds better than topping above the 2nd node to me.


Thanks to ub its a perma technique for me works
everytime and gettin buds this size from a 250w its
a no brainer hope to see ub around again sometime
View attachment 1627917
That plant looks gorgeous mate is that Serious Seeds BubbleGum?

How much do you yield on average off this strain? Does it take long to finish?

I'm looking for a fruity indica and so far this seems right up my ally.



Well-Known Member
I have a big problem and I hope someone can clear this up before I top. My plants just entered 3 weeks of veg yesterday and they are already 14" tall. There is no stretching, it's just that big. I only have 5 feet of vertical grow space, so I am wondering if I top above the third node, will this solve my problem with the height???


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you using, how far away are they?
How many nodes you got on your plant?

The plant will at least double in height, depending on the strain of course...im sure the low riders etc might be different. I dont bother with those type of plants. I will usually wait till 6/7 nodes and top, clean up the bottom and leave them alone for a week before I flip them to flower. This week will allow them to recover.


Well-Known Member
Hi, and thanks so much for your reply.

I am currently using a 400w MH, but will switch that to HPS for flowering. The light is 18" away from the canopy and I currently have 7 nodes on each of my 3 plants. I am growing 2x White Widow and 1x Strawberry Cough.

So do you think I should top it at the third node and let it recover for a week or two before I flip? Will this help my height problems since I only have 5' of vertical space? Really could use some help because this is my first grow and I am very limited in vertical space. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
If im honest, I would also be worried about height. Without seeing them, I would top them now, let them recover then flip. Its going to be tight man, I could keep your light closer, but again I dont know if you have fans blowing the heat away etc. With it being 400w, you could do with it being a little closer (unless you get obvious yellowing/drying). You want to try reduce any potential streching


Well-Known Member
So do you recommend doing the topping at the third node?

How long does it take for the plant to recover and will the plant grow just as big as it is now or bigger when I flower after topping?

Thanks again for your help.


Well-Known Member
So basically "Let plant grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node" is all you have to do to get it with 4 nodes?


Well-Known Member
So basically "Let plant grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node" is all you have to do to get it with 4 nodes?
That is correct. The reason why you let it grow to 5-6 nodes is so that your plant has an established root system as mentioned previously.


Active Member
What about topping a clone for 4 mains? Anyone done it? I have 6 I topped like this but they are seedlings and I really like the results. My question is that with alternating nodes on a clone will you still get 4 mains if you cut above tthe 4th branch.


Active Member
Well, my first topping, I just topped one plant between the 2nd and 3rd true nodes, will see what happens. :) it is a weird feeling to cut that top off! lol

I found this on another site and found parts interesting. Anyone agree or disagree strongly with anything listed???

** Pruning a growing marijuana plant is an easy way of controlling uneven growth without seriously harming the plant.

** Don't prune the growing tip of a young seedling until after the first five-bladed leaves have formed, and the vegetative stage has begun.

** Many growers prune the growing tips after four to five weeks growth to develop lower branches which will quickly fill all the horizontal space.

** The greatest potency of the growing plant is found in the growing tips, and by three months, they should make a high quality smoke.

** You can basically prune growing tips at any stage of the plant's development, but just don't overdo it.

** Severe pruning can harm the growth of the plant.

** It is always better to plan a pruning strategy for your developing plants, rather than haphazardly clipping off growing tips on an irregular basis.

** Each time a growing tip is removed, the plant takes a few days to recover before new growth resumes on that branch.

** The amount of new growth formed with continued pruning is limited by the genetic structure of the seed, and the conditions of the environment.

** It is better to prune your plants at an early stage of their development, than towards the end of the vegetative stage or during flowering.

** It is always better to prune growing tips in the morning than in the evening, as it gives the plant a full day to recover and heal the wounds.

** It is not recommended that you prune every new node in a developing plant. Rather prune every second or third node to allow the plant time to recover.

** Wait for the new node to start growing before clipping the young branch a few millimeters above the previous node's newly formed leaves.

** It is always better to use a small scissors to prune your plants, than to simply pluck off the growing tips by hand.

** Do not prune any growing tips if you notice that your plant's health is declining and it has started losing leaves. Although you should always smoke the pruned growing tips, plants should be pruned to develop their growth rather than for smoking purposes.

** While it may be tempting to prune female buds during early flowering, your harvest will be severely reduced by doing so.

** Cannabis Indica is a genetically smaller and more bushy plant than Cannabis Sativa and usually requires less pruning.

** Never prune more than the single growing tip, or upper-most node, from any branch on the growing plant.

** The upper-most growing tip of an unpruned marijuana plant will always be more potent that the top buds of a pruned plant grown in similar conditions.

** Pruning the tallest branches ensures that the lower branches grow upwards, forming a larger surface area for the light to cover.

** The clear fluid that often flows from the end of a newly pruned branch, contains substances which seal the wound and aid the healing process.

** Although it is recommended that you remove all dying leaves from the plant, you should resist the temptation to prune too many healthy leaves.

** To grow seedless marijuana, you should remove all the male plants as soon as they are discovered, by pruning the main stem right above the ground.

** Although it may be better developed, a pruned marijuana plant does not always produce more buds than an unpruned plant.

** Another good reason for pruning is to take cuttings from a strong growing, favourite plant for further hydroponic development.

** Marijuana growers often prune their plants in an attempt to limit their height and prevent unwanted detection.

** An alternative to pruning for developing growth, is to bend the tops of the branches over and tie the growing tips down with string or wire.

** By pruning all the buds at harvest time, rather than cutting the stem off above the ground, you could easily harvest your plant a second time.

** By severely pruning your marijuana plants you are lowering their resistance to harmful natural enemies such as insects, fungus and frost.

** You can make a great cup of tea, by chopping up some pruned growing tips and soaking them in boiled water for a few minutes.

** Cannabis is a very hardy and adaptable plant, and will endure serious harm to it's leaves, branches and stem before it dies.


Active Member
@The45King: I told my buddy to follow your method of topping above the 3rd node and then removing the bottom 2 budsites to use as cuttings to get the 4 main colas that are more equal in height and weight. Sounds better than topping above the 2nd node to me.
its better and its still ub's technique to get them 4 mains


Active Member
That plant looks gorgeous mate is that Serious Seeds BubbleGum?

How much do you yield on average off this strain? Does it take long to finish?

I'm looking for a fruity indica and so far this seems right up my ally.

This was bubblegummer from female seeds i got over 3 1/2 zips
thanks to ub's technique and its a real nice hitter too i run her for 8 weeks
i didnt get the main pheno this run but once i toked this after 3 weeks i popped another
bean,very nice musky taste with a lil fruit hope for main pheno this run but would be happy
with this 1 again very nice
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