Uncle got Jacked


Well-Known Member
This stuff scares the hell out of me.

That being said if a guy has 15ft plants? it's not that easy to just take them. Not to mention a few trucks. I amagine ripping my own plants and what it would take to just get one of them. Not to mention all 12. A guy got away may explain why they only had time to take one plant. Also the fact of having 15ft plants hanging out the back of a truck? It would look like a hey truck. Where would you put a large plant like it my avatar? Drag it down the street? What were they thinking? Unless it was a remote area or not understanding the whole story. These jackers were idiots. You said the plant was not even done right?

Amagine trying to rip/jack 10 growing plants that are 4 to 5 pounders? What would it take and how much time?

I worry about jackers at harvest time more than grow time. But just goes to show It's Never Safe!!!

In 2009 I had a ripper cut a hole in my fence just big enough for a person the slip in. But yet he was trying to rip the plant in my avatar. Just dumb... But it never leaves my mind that a ripper knows my grow. So this stuff really scares me. Not to mention the thinking and prepairing. No atempts in 2010. Nothing YET this year.


Active Member
Yea I hate it for everyone who gets jacked... I put more time in my plants this year than I ever have... I stay prepared whether it's a auto-shotty or a glock .40... Trust no one ever!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Thats my nightmare scenario. I get some idiot trying to jack me, I shoot him with a grow going on. I just laost the whole "I was protecting my property" thing.
I can't even imagine how bad the media would spin THAT one. "Man shot to death at marijuana grow op!"


Well-Known Member
WOW! That is totaly frieghtning. I am not a gunzie person but something like that would have me thinking long and hard about it.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I AM a gunzie person who thinks about that kind of shit before I shoot. The media would have a FIELD DAY with that scenario. A Mossberg 12 gau. with Rock Salt is the plan of the day. I'm also looking at bean bag rounds.


Well-Known Member
This stuff scares the hell out of me.

That being said if a guy has 15ft plants? it's not that easy to just take them. Not to mention a few trucks. I amagine ripping my own plants and what it would take to just get one of them. Not to mention all 12. A guy got away may explain why they only had time to take one plant. Also the fact of having 15ft plants hanging out the back of a truck? It would look like a hey truck. Where would you put a large plant like it my avatar? Drag it down the street? What were they thinking? Unless it was a remote area or not understanding the whole story. These jackers were idiots. You said the plant was not even done right?

Amagine trying to rip/jack 10 growing plants that are 4 to 5 pounders? What would it take and how much time?

I worry about jackers at harvest time more than grow time. But just goes to show It's Never Safe!!!

In 2009 I had a ripper cut a hole in my fence just big enough for a person the slip in. But yet he was trying to rip the plant in my avatar. Just dumb... But it never leaves my mind that a ripper knows my grow. So this stuff really scares me. Not to mention the thinking and prepairing. No atempts in 2010. Nothing YET this year.
well my uncle lives in palm springs im pretty sure thats what its called its past temecula kind in that direction (so cal) he just recently moved out there doesnt really know anybody lives in a small town off on a long dirt road his home owner came by with some mexican guy and showed him the plants and i guess that all the guys that came to rob him were mexicans.
and yeah most of the plants arent even done yet he's growing alot of sativa strains he's been growing them since around the beginning of the year
he thinks that they got scared because his friend got away so they grabbed just the one plant and left

and my uncle has his medical card n hes over his limit of plants but the cops didnt really care...

its crazy what some people will do for some bud i bet all those guys are probably arguing over that 1 plant because 1 plant going to 7 people isnt much lol


Well-Known Member
Damn, now I'm sorry I told all you people I am growing. I'm slashing and burning everything tomorrow.......don't waste your time coming over. I cannot believe I told the whole internet I was growing..........:roll:

On a serious note, I'm starting a thread about "jack" proofing your outdoor grow.


RIU Bulldog
That's some scary shit man. I still thinks it's crazy that ppl die over weed, but hell that's the world we live in.
Woah... sorry to hear stuff like that goes down... It doesn't over here. But we couldn't really get (legal) arms to defend the grow, cause the police comes by your house randomly (might take months, might take years) to check if your gun is stored properly. Not good with a grow going on...


Well-Known Member
This stuff scares the hell out of me.

That being said if a guy has 15ft plants? it's not that easy to just take them. Not to mention a few trucks. I amagine ripping my own plants and what it would take to just get one of them. Not to mention all 12. A guy got away may explain why they only had time to take one plant. Also the fact of having 15ft plants hanging out the back of a truck? It would look like a hey truck. Where would you put a large plant like it my avatar? Drag it down the street? What were they thinking? Unless it was a remote area or not understanding the whole story. These jackers were idiots. You said the plant was not even done right?

Amagine trying to rip/jack 10 growing plants that are 4 to 5 pounders? What would it take and how much time?

I worry about jackers at harvest time more than grow time. But just goes to show It's Never Safe!!!

In 2009 I had a ripper cut a hole in my fence just big enough for a person the slip in. But yet he was trying to rip the plant in my avatar. Just dumb... But it never leaves my mind that a ripper knoIMG_0756.jpgws my grow. So this stuff really scares me. Not to mention the thinking and prepairing. No atempts in 2010. Nothing YET this year.
IMG_0758.jpgThis is almost ONE plant!! It would be hard to steal much of a grow like this.
Funny thing is, of course, it was somebody that got it showed to em'. This kind of thi9ng happens around here every year at harvest time. There are always robberies that take place like this, strong armed robberies that usually take place while people are sitting there trimming it. They try to steal stuff that's already trimmed and dried. There are some very organized strong arm groups around, that know what they're doing, and don't steal premature plants. They 're were a rash of them last year where the guys came in screaming "POLICE" FULL BLACK-OP GEAR!!Tie every one up and take all they want. It happened several times last year right here in this area. Everyone br careful, but remember, unless your a green beret or somethin', your not gonna win against 6 or 7 guys that are ready for ya. Your best off to let em' take what they want IMO.
Sorry to hear your troubles...good luck!