undense buds


Well-Known Member
a couple years ago, i grew 3 plants outdoors with a buddy of mine. after all was said and done, the buds turned out to be really undense (i dont know what the antonym of dense is). i was wondering what caused this. is it the strain (purple number 1, and 2 juicyfruits)? is it the outdoor condition? i dont know. im growing again (indoors this time) and i was wondering how i would make larger and denser buds.


Well-Known Member
If your growing indoors and you want those fat dense nuggs, HPS light is what you will want to flower with.


Well-Known Member
the buds turned out to be really undense (i dont know what the antonym of dense is). i was wondering what caused this. is it the strain
Could be strain related,I have no experience with the strains mentioned....
OR,the plants were not getting enough DIRECT sunlight....indirect or dappled sunlight can produce wispy or feathery buds....

MT...HPS is the way to go indoors!


I'm going to rule bad sunlight, you really have to be careful in picking your outside location, you have to know where the sun travels in your local area, and find a spot it will shine on most, or just pick a spot and sit there all day (lol). there are spots in the woods this will work well, but mostly the woods (where it's good to hide shit anyway, deeper in) there isnt much sunlight, the trees are shading it all. personally i would find an opening in the middle of the woods (i already have one picked out for myself), that gets directly sunlight, not blocked by trees, or whatever...


Well-Known Member
Well the sun always rises in the east then appears to be in the southern area for most of the day, and then sets in the west. If i was going to grow outdoors i would plant my crop on the south side of my house or the south side of the bushes where i was growing so i get the most light during the day.


Active Member
i have a wierd one now, loose buds, very few pistils, but swollen calyxes covered in trichomes, plant is about 20th generation clone, maybe just a wierd one, cant figure it out, i suspect light pollution?