under cfl's


Well-Known Member
this has now been put on flowertime,,but vegged under 4 cfl's and 2 25 inch floro's for 5 weeks from seed,,it's stalk is 3/4 of an inch thick at base,,and has about 12 flowering arms forming the bush below the head,,it's only a foot long,,there are no main stalk fan leaves on it below the head,as they became palm sized they were removed,,if anyone says cfl's and floro's are no good,,I'd have to argue

Keep on Growin




Active Member
How do you tell when over-watering is going on?

Also, nice looking plant there. I hope the LST works out great for ya =) I am vegging 4 plants under 12 mixed blue/red cfls myself, aiming for great results.


Well-Known Member
It might just be the lighting in the picture, but it looks like you might have a little bit of a zinc deficiency as well.


Well-Known Member
NICE photos...you may have some over watering going on...

GREAT PLANTS!! i look forward to more pictures
this pic was right after transplant and a drowning,,now watered every three days,,thxs for the compliment GK,,hope she turns out a she:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
How tall is that plant? Looks great! :hump:
it's only 12 inches tall,,on about the 14-15th node,,it's startin to scare me,,If it were taller,,I could climb that stalk,,lol,,here she is tonight,,39 days old,,12 inches tall,,,fat as,,as,,as,,,Rita McNeil,,lol

Keep on Growin


