Under current info


Looking to build A under current in soil now. Everyone is saying that u can get up to a pound per plant that just doesn't sound like its possible. Anyone have any proof To back that up.


Well-Known Member
Pound per plant maybe outdoors with beast plants.

I know a guy who vegs for 5 weeks and gets 7 oz off a plant running an UC with CO2 and a chiller, with optimum conditions, and 1000w.

But redi is right, your terminology is off. You could use soilless, dunno why you'd want to with an UC though.

You don't want soil(organic) anywhere near hydro. I know they used to back in Babylon, but this is 2012.


Well-Known Member
I dont think hes trying to say he wants to do UC in soil, more that he's in soil now and wants to go UC. And yes, UC/RDWC is IMO probably the best way to grow trees. Aero, E&F, NFT, hempy, etc. are all great and have their advantages, but UC has explosive growth rates and are typically larger containers that can support bigger plants. Seems to be the most popular choice for people wanting lower plant counts with huge yields.

Im sure you can get a lb per plant, just use enough lighting and very few plants. Most people don't care to get that much per plant because it takes too long to veg. Why not grow twice as many 8oz plants?

UndercurrentDWC has a great thread on here, and thcfarmer has an awesome undercurrent section. Lots of pros and industry support there.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I dont think hes trying to say he wants to do UC in soil, more that he's in soil now and wants to go UC.
Ahh...that makes sense now.....-2 points for lack of punctuation.

I would agree theres the potential for 1lb plants. Using vertical lighting.


Its a good system but the price is ridiculous. I say its a good system because of the design. Lets look at a few things the readings of ph and ec is stable and not variable from site to site because the nutes are ever flowing. Each Grow container has its own independent air stone oxygenating roots. It is possible to get 1/2 to 1lb per plant because the grow bucket has more gallons capacity than your typical 2-5 gallon pots and can sustain more root growth. with the main reservoir remote from grow area (if your using a tent) you can take readings easily during your dark cycles. Bigger tubing means no clogs and tearing down system cleaning and r installing new tubing. Only thing about this system is water temps from constant exposure under of lamps but some people use chillers which is expensive but the frozen water gallon method works fine once or twice a day if you have the patience. Im looking to build one of these or buy a generic pretty soon. If you are part savvy you can even look at Under Currents website where it divulges intimate information on the setup. I know this is kinda late but hope it helps. Oh yeah I heard because of its size and constant "high flow mixing" organic heads love it.


Active Member


I built my own UC system. Total cost I would guess to be at max $150! I have 2 plants/buckets with a control bucket. They want a fortune to buy the pre-built ones, but does not take much to construct one yourself.


Active Member
Guess my "proof" was too much to comprehend? UC, if you have a good knowledge of growing, is the way to grow 110% IMO!

Maybe I scared some with my "proof"!?


Guess my "proof" was too much to comprehend? UC, if you have a good knowledge of growing, is the way to grow 110% IMO!

Maybe I scared some with my "proof"!?

sorry so late Ive been MIA! Got an op coming soon soo many pictures so much to tell but I saw your pics pretty impressive man the roots look freakin amazing I bet that yield was mouth watering! Good job