Under Or Over Watered?


Active Member
I planted it about a week ago in a 2gal pot. The coco was flushed before i planted. and it was looking like this before i watered it for the first time yesterday i gave it 1000ml of water and got a small run off. I am useing a CMH light with dimmer and running at 320 watts right now in my 4x4 tent. I am growing 2 other GSC and they are looking great. I don't see how it could be overwatered sense yesterday was the first time i watered sense i planted it into the pot


Active Member
Might be over watering it tbh. I know they say to plant an auto in the 1 and only pot it will live in, but from my research, you can still easily drown it out. Maybe the roots on that one aren't as developed as the others. Try giving it a little less water at a time or water it less frequently and see what it does.


Active Member
What does not make sense is i moved that plant to the pot 1 week ago and was growing fine it started to wilt before i even gave its first watering yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Its neither over nor under.. Its just stuned. It happens don't water it for a while the roots are running around in the soil instead of vedging the wiltering was because thevroits got distureb here and there ut will bounce back. Use a spray bottle and spray under leafs dayly it will help kick back respiration


Well-Known Member
Nine times out of ten it's over. Under has a distinct look. Over is a droop, but under looks more like it rained on someones hair.


Active Member
Guess you didn't read the link.....
I did but i do not see how i overwatered them. I soaked the coco down and planted into it. the first pic the plants have not even been watered just put in the coco. had a big run off when wetting down the coco so drainage is good. In a few days the coco will be dry so should i water again or hold off on the watering and wait tell the plants stop wilting


Well-Known Member
When you pick up the pot and its so light that you almost smack yourself in the face.

Then, is the time to consider a measured dose of nutrients. I do moist/dry cycles like the coco site explains in detail.

Dont be scared to treat 1 different from the others.

Fabric only for me.