Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says


Well-Known Member
Truly free unregulated markets would make raising pharmaceutical medication 4000% pale in comparison. Or the housing bubble burst that ruined the economy in '08. How can you not see that? I remember when i used to think just like you. When i first started going to the Hash Bash in 87. That ayn rand shit grew on me like a tumor. You need to wake up man.


Well-Known Member
Truly free unregulated markets would make raising pharmaceutical medication 4000% pale in comparison. Or the housing bubble burst that ruined the economy in '08. How can you not see that? I remember when i used to think just like you. When i first started going to the Hash Bash in 87. That ayn rand shit grew on me like a tumor. You need to wake up man.
The housing bubble was caused by the Feds requiring banks to loan money to people that couldn't pay it back.


Well-Known Member
Truly free unregulated markets would make raising pharmaceutical medication 4000% pale in comparison. Or the housing bubble burst that ruined the economy in '08. How can you not see that? I remember when i used to think just like you. When i first started going to the Hash Bash in 87. That ayn rand shit grew on me like a tumor. You need to wake up man.
No, your hypothetical makes absolutely no sense. If medication was 400* more expensive then nobody would be able to afford it. You can try to sell your house for 10 million dollars but if it isnt worth that then you are not going to have any buyers. No buyers = no commerce...

Prices will stabilize at the rate the market will bear given competition. Right now there is no stabilization, prices are at all levels with no rhyme or reason besides government red tape.


Well-Known Member
10% of Federal spending goes to the interest on national debt. This is with interest rates the lowest they've been in history. What happens when interest rates go back to their normal 15-18%?

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
So you do lie. You are claiming 54% of DISCRETIONARY SPENDING (total $1.1 trillion) or $594 billion, is the greater part of $3.8 trillion (total spending). This is from YOUR citation. You are too stupid to understand what you cite. Your citation seems somewhat untrustworthy, as it doesn't show any spending at all on welfare.
I KNOW you're stupid.

read the link stupid........there's pie charts so even you can't fuck up the info


Well-Known Member
I am an advocate for free markets. Truly, free markets.

I am not an advocate for politicians, corporations or 3rd party interventions between consenting buyers and sellers. Which of those things do you favor or not?
The big flaw in truly free markets is it doesnt account for "cheaters". There has to be a check in there somewhere.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
10% of Federal spending goes to the interest on national debt. This is with interest rates the lowest they've been in history. What happens when interest rates go back to their normal 15-18%?

15-18% is normal??

government bonds and securities have variable rate interest?


Well-Known Member
The banks were dragging thier feet the whole time too werent they?
No, because they faced massive penalties if they did. Millions "qualified" for loans and were later foreclosed on. Massive dumping of foreclosed properties crashed the market.


Well-Known Member
15-18% is normal??
Yes. My parents paid 17% interest on their mortgage. You suffer from the malady that makes one assume that their limited experience is the way it's always been and will always be. Most the Jews in Nazi Germany had the wherewithal to leave before the pogroms started but assumed that "things would return to normal".