Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

but but but Sanders is going to give every one great credit, along with free college, and raises for everyone. He is going to break up the big banks and make them do right. I'm not sure how he will do this with the congress he will have, but he said it soooo.
He will also raise everyone taxes,but some of us like our taxes being raise apparently.

It is odd that on one hand he says he will "break up the big banks" , then on the other hand he votes to maintain the grip "big banks" have on everyone's throat by voting to extend the debt ceiling and to continue to fund the Pentagon.

I commend you for calling this out.
The big flaw in truly free markets is it doesnt account for "cheaters". There has to be a check in there somewhere.

Again, you are demonstrating your lack of understanding of how a free market works.

In the present, there is an unfree regulated market, the "cheating" is government protected and enabled and always will be.
When you can't untangle goods and services from bads and disservices, there is a systemic flaw, held in place not by consumer demand, but by a government gun.

In a truly free market, consumers and producers / service providers interactions aren't restricted. That makes it hard for a poor quality "cheater" to remain in business. Why? If other people aren't prevented from offering you a better product or service and you are free to go there, the market has a built in regulation based on consumer satisfaction.

I don't mean to offend, but what do you really know about how a truly free market works? So far, you haven't demonstrated any knowledge of it, but have offered a few jabs etc.
This pretty much sums up socialism. :clap: There's no motivation to succeed or excel, only choice is to remain poor.

It is in the CBO January report. At least the 29.3 trillion debt in 2026 is

That's not what I asked. I asked you to cite where the CBO states that the 29.3 trillion in debt is due solely to Obamacare "and other progressive boondoggles". Are you not able to cite that?
See your posts are the difference between a liberal person like myself , and a liberal extremist such as yourself , in your initial post to me its attack , after attack , after attack , and all directed at my characature as a human being , thats the extremist tactic nowdays , when you disagree you browbeat the living fuck out of anybody who disagrees & allways use characture assassinatiin , as you've releatedly done here , even with an edit , you've left out islamaphobe lol , you may actually not go there though because ive had to straighten you out on that use of weaponry before , but as ive been told here being married to an islamic woman you can still be an islamaphobe , thats the idiocy of liberal extremism .

Look at that complete mess of a fucking statement you posted , and comming from another small businessman to boot , and yes i remember your businesses & the wages you pay , yet im not afforded the same respect because of your extremist views , your well aware i started 4 businesses from the ground up that employed 9 employees & were extremely profitable , weve compared profit margins before but im not afforded that respect anymore because your extremist liberalism, which as a liberal im ashamed to be associated with , says allways attack , allways slander , and when all else fails toss in a randon raicist accusation , or homophobe , or islamaphobe , which you actually called me before lmfao .

And yes im proud of what ive created from nothing , in my spare time , while working a 60 hours a week for 32 yrs full time union trade , and still be able to turn over 4 successfull store fronts to my sons , who've in 21 months expanded from my 9 employees to employing 31 full time high paid workers , have you exapnded your laundromat business & tripled the employees you create jobs for or are you still doing the same turn over ?

Now lets address your attack on my social ethics , weve been thru this before but since ive been locked up for a while , or not able to post lets compare social ethics , you've been made aware my wife & i have sponsored 2 pre teen islamic brides escape from slavery , at our full expense which is tremendously enormous , you've previously been made aware we donate heavily to Beaumont childrens oncology unit , you've been told we delievered brand new PS consoles & games to every kids room in that cancer center , you've previously been made aware we donate monthly to St Judes childrens cancer research , and we sponsor 1 familys entire living expenses once a year while their child is dying so they can be there with them , instead of working to pay bills , you've been made aware multiple times we donate monthly to the aspca , as with all others taken off the top of our account each month , ive had to post pics of $100,000 piles of cash because after 10 yrs here the extremist liberals challenge everything with bullshit attacks .

I do more because of the wealth ive WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR than most people i know , and i ask nothing in return , i dont even speak of it until some extremist liberal attacks my social morals , or social intelligence .

Im fucking pissed off , im drinking the rest of this botfle of brandy & smoking a bowl , you arent gonna make me ashamed of the spot in life ive achieved , or slander my social morals to make yourself appear to have a arguement platform .

This kind of absolute disrespect & asassination of characture is what should be banned at this site & something i championed in staff forum many times .

And dont nobody dare hand me any of that " if you cant stand the heat dont go near the fire " bullshit , if you cant act like a civilized fucking human being , and convey thoughts in a normal form of debate , then dont debate .
Welcome back and at least for now, I mean it.

You have an inflated idea of how much I know about you. Pretty much nothing. The tone I used in my post to you was in line with the shit you were saying just previously. Just saying that I matched your intensity. Also saying that intensity doesn't mean intelligence. Yours or mine. My post was pretty dumb and not something I'm proud of.

As far as the cop beating stuff that I said, it was over the top and not appropriate. I am biased here. My bias is based upon my observation from people I've known that a serial hard luck case can change their luck by doing some things differently. They continue to have hard luck when they don't. Your tattoos are why you got beat, really? One beating is an accident attributable to chance and a bad cop. Multiple beatings, well I'm not so sure.

Your chosen leader, Trump is appropriate to the character you present here. Narcissists love themselves so much that they want to share themselves with others. They also tend do well in business situations because they can control others in a boss-worker relationship. In the end their oppressive style stifles the people around them. Which is why the best leaders are cooperative rather than types mostly focused on self. Bernie's style is more cooperative, which is one of the traits I want in my next president.

Moving on to your misguided idea that Bernie is a socialist. What does that even mean and what's wrong with socially progressive programs like social security and medicare? These two programs have been enormously successful in reducing the number of elderly in poverty. Way more than trickle down economics ever has. Aren't we through with that experiment?

So, basically, why should I give a shit about you? I am interested in your ideas, I think you have lots of energy and enjoy it but I do laugh that you are bothered by it being reflected back at you.
This pretty much sums up socialism. :clap: There's no motivation to succeed or excel, only choice is to remain poor.


Interestingly enough, latest HDI markers show that all of the top 10 "most well off" countries have universal healthcare, except the United States of course. And most are relatively social, by your standards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index

I'd be interested to see your citations that contradict that assertion and pontificate on your astutely profound claim from your "Socialism for Dummies" handbook.
...32 yrs full time union trade...

Without liberals, you'd have no union trade you'd been working on for 32 years. And likely no store fronts to hand over to your sons. In other words, without liberals or liberal extremists, as you put it, you wouldn't have been as successful as you are now.

#sotheresthat #justsayin
When hanging with Democratic friends, I like to liberally roll about 3 blunts. We progressively smoke and discuss things about life. I enjoy these social times.

When hanging with Republican friends. I conservatively roll a joint and smoke alone, because Repukes claim they don't smoke.
It is odd that on one hand he says he will "break up the big banks" , then on the other hand he votes to maintain the grip "big banks" have on everyone's throat by voting to extend the debt ceiling and to continue to fund the Pentagon.

I commend you for calling this out.
Explain how extending the debt ceiling is a vote to "maintain the grip big banks have on everyone's throat"
Without liberals, you'd have no union trade you'd been working on for 32 years. And likely no store fronts to hand over to your sons. In other words, without liberals or liberal extremists, as you put it, you wouldn't have been as successful as you are now.

#sotheresthat #justsayin

Unions stifle innovation, and the times have changed from 30 years ago... Companies are required now to be more innovative in work flow processes, and leveraging technology to increase efficiency...

Union shops for example limit the ability of the company to be versatile and adapt to changing markets...

Without compassionate and practical state labor laws unions have a place for some functions, however we also have the ability to make unions redundant with compassionate and practical labor laws...

Republicans have to understand that dynamic and come to realize it is either going to be unions or labor laws. However, avoiding both just exacerbates the issue and gives strength to unions...

This is why the Republican Party has to change from the Dixie democrat influence that gave rise to the neo conservative to the old republican ideals of Eisenhower, and Abraham Lincoln etc... Those of us younger than 35 who are pro state rights, constitution, pro rights(cannabis,tobacco, 2nd amendment, equal rights) and support the idea of self determination are tired of the NEO Conservative hijacking of the Republican Party... Hence the Rise of Trump...

The best way in my opinion to fight the left for republicans is to start taking on common labor issues, and create better worker protections at the state level. This would reduce the ability of labor unions to exploit unfair practices and the left's ability to exploit the current climate to push their agenda... Those who support unions without supporting compassionate and practical legislation to deal with exploitation or unfair labor practices are basically supporting the idea of outsourcing government responsibility to a third party...

We can have a fluid, innovative, and regulated banking system without breaking up the banks. The banks have given rise to Americans being able to buy phones, cars, houses, and many other things which most even in developed countries don't have the opportunities to afford because their banking systems are operating in either a socialist system like RBS etc or are over regulated... There is a place in the gray which we can provide better financial security and still offer the American people all the perks which they currently enjoy...

Almost all Americans (90% atleast) are apart of the global 1%, and most Americans squander their opportunities and neglect their responsibility. Socialism in my view is basically the world view of ignoring: the responsibility to leverage opportunity to innovate to resolve issues or the initiative to create more with less in order to support a larger population with a similar quality of life. Socialists would rather have less, and not have to do more rather than do more and create more... For example the Pro Environmentalist Socialist who hasn't planted a single tree compared to the pro business individual that has planted hundreds of tree's...
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Sure. The Feds borrow money, they don't borrow it from your Uncle Charlie though do they?

(Do I really need to draw you a picture?)

The Federal Government is simply a customer of the Federal Reserve... It is like being able to appoint people to the board of directors of a bank, but using the bank for your day to day finances as the federal reserves biggest customer they get perks which others do not.. ;)