Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Sucks to be a godless heathen. Guess if I had ever needed a handout, I would have been screwed.

I am advocating the complete elimination of all the unconstitutional social safety boondoggles. Where the fuck did you people ever get the idea that some people shouldn't starve to death and even more ludicrous, that the government should prevent it?

Cash, gas or ass...no one rides for free.
Without them crime would increase

So it's either have the social safety net programs so people don't have to resort to crime to survive or don't have them and have much more crime than we currently do

If you expect people to just sit down and take it, especially when the top 1% of earners are are stealing 93% of the economic gains, then you're comically mistaken, that's not how reality works and FDR and the democrats knew that during the Great Depression, which is why the social safety net exists in the first place. The bottom line is if you don't give poor people the bare minimum to survive, they'll take it (and rightfully so). The SSN prevents poor people from physically stealing from rich people, so keep that in mind the next time you pipe up in opposition to it.
what about children ?

I've had this discussion before and children have always been the exception...at the state level. Children shouldn't have to pay for their parent's poor life choices. If you're an able-bodied adult and you're starving, I have no sympathy, regardless of political affiliation. Fuck every single one of them.
Without them crime would increase

So it's either have the social safety net programs so people don't have to resort to crime to survive or don't have them and have much more crime than we currently do

If you expect people to just sit down and take it, especially when the top 1% of earners are are stealing 93% of the economic gains, then you're comically mistaken, that's not how reality works and FDR and the democrats knew that during the Great Depression, which is why the social safety net exists in the first place. The bottom line is if you don't give poor people the bare minimum to survive, they'll take it (and rightfully so). The SSN prevents poor people from physically stealing from rich people, so keep that in mind the next time you pipe up in opposition to it.

Yeah? Bullshit. That scare tactic "whatever shall we do" hogwash only flies as far as cowards allow. You wanna give the unwashed masses support? Fine. Eight hours a day of backbreaking work is the price. If you don't want labor for that support, then you're full of it and just want to redistribute wealth.
I've had this discussion before and children have always been the exception...at the state level. Children shouldn't have to pay for their parent's poor life choices. If you're an able-bodied adult and you're starving, I have no sympathy, regardless of political affiliation. Fuck every single one of them.
Wow. you are one cold hearted motherfucker. Yup I see why you vote Republican.
I've had this discussion before and children have always been the exception...at the state level. Children shouldn't have to pay for their parent's poor life choices. If you're an able-bodied adult and you're starving, I have no sympathy, regardless of political affiliation. Fuck every single one of them.
What about the people who have some kind of medical issue they had to deal with that sapped their life savings?

I'm curious how your complete lack of compassion for other human beings developed, what makes you believe poor people are worthless? Is being lazy really the worst thing a person can be in your mind or what?
Yeah? Bullshit. That scare tactic "whatever shall we do" hogwash only flies as far as cowards allow. You wanna give the unwashed masses support? Fine. Eight hours a day of backbreaking work is the price. If you don't want labor for that support, then you're full of it and just want to redistribute wealth.
Ever heard of the French Revolution? That's exactly what happened

You don't have to believe me, look it up yourself. FDR went to all the business leaders during the depression and told them to pay up or the citizens would take it, and that's exactly what would happen today if poor people didn't have anything to fall back on

If poor people had to work 8 hours a day to qualify for welfare programs, how would you expect them to search for a job so they could get off said welfare programs? After their "backbreaking work" is done for the day?

Clearly a very well thought out plan.. /s
Ever heard of the French Revolution? That's exactly what happened

You don't have to believe me, look it up yourself. FDR went to all the business leaders during the depression and told them to pay up or the citizens would take it, and that's exactly what would happen today if poor people didn't have anything to fall back on

If poor people had to work 8 hours a day to qualify for welfare programs, how would you expect them to search for a job so they could get off said welfare programs? After their "backbreaking work" is done for the day?

Clearly a very well thought out plan.. /s

Lol, we can't make them work or they won't be able to sit on ass, play Xbox and text on their phones...I'm sorry, I meant "work".

But, I'll play. Backbreaking work from Wednesday through Sunday. They can have Monday and Tuesday to do all that job searching you claim they want to do.

Oops, what now. Church argument? Sorry. Don't care.
Wow. you are one cold hearted motherfucker. Yup I see why you vote Republican.

I go there for a reason. Once you take all the heartstring tugging ability away from libs, you emasculate them and they don't really have any argument other than "You're so mean". Which isn't a good enough reason shred the Constitution and further the progressive agenda.
Lol, we can't make them work or they won't be able to sit on ass, play Xbox and text on their phones...I'm sorry, I meant "work".

But, I'll play. Backbreaking work from Wednesday through Sunday. They can have Monday and Tuesday to do all that job searching you claim they want to do.

Oops, what now. Church argument? Sorry. Don't care.
Yeah, that certainly sounds like you want as little government intervention in people's private lives as possible... What happened to your limited government stance and everything you said before? OH! I get it, you want limited government involvement in your life, but not in anyone else's. If they're poor or use government programs, you want 24/7 surveillance and mandatory drug tests

Pretty hypocritical bro
Yeah, that certainly sounds like you want as little government intervention in people's private lives as possible... What happened to your limited government stance and everything you said before? OH! I get it, you want limited government involvement in your life, but not in anyone else's. If they're poor or use government programs, you want 24/7 surveillance and mandatory drug tests

Pretty hypocritical bro

Bullshit, there is no hypocrisy. Everything I said before? Nice try, liar.

Assistance would be at the state level and mandatory drug testing for those on the dole as well as the requirement of labor is the price you pay. Don't like it, move to another state or earn your fucking keep to begin with. States can do whatever the fuck they like and I have no problem with it.
Bullshit, there is no hypocrisy. Everything I said before? Nice try, liar.

Assistance would be at the state level and mandatory drug testing for those on the dole as well as the requirement of labor is the price you pay. Don't like it, move to another state or earn your fucking keep to begin with. States can do whatever the fuck they like and I have no problem with it.

Well, seeing as how we do have a social safety net program here, it would seem that if you don't like it, you're free to kick rocks

You sure do love crying about how poor people are ruining your life for a guy who says his life is so awesome..


Well, seeing as how we do have a social safety net program here, it would seem that if you don't like it, you're free to kick rocks

You sure do love crying about how poor people are ruining your life for a guy who says his life is so awesome..


Another lie. Where did I say poor people are ruining my life? Hmm, liar? Nothing but lies out of you tonight. You must be flailing about, trying like hell to get a handle on this exchange you're losing horribly.

As to the unconstitutional social safety net, it'll take care of itself in short order. Certainly well before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
I go there for a reason. Once you take all the heartstring tugging ability away from libs, you emasculate them and they don't really have any argument other than "You're so mean". Which isn't a good enough reason shred the Constitution and further the progressive agenda.
There is a difference between being mean and being a cold-hearted SOB
Another lie. Where did I say poor people are ruining my life? Hmm, liar? Nothing but lies out of you tonight. You must be flailing about, trying like hell to get a handle on this exchange you're losing horribly.

As to the unconstitutional social safety net, it'll take care of itself in short order. Certainly well before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
That's all you talk about is how shitty and worthless you think poor people are

That's kind of weird coming from a guy who says he's so successful in life. Most successful people I know want to help poor people, they don't condemn them, call them worthless or join internet forums and badmouth them behind their backs
There is a difference between being mean and being a cold-hearted SOB

Someone has to be the grownup and take Old Yeller out to the woodshed to put one behind his ear. I'm not willing to capsize the lifeboat, killing everyone, to save a few losers who couldn't be bothered to get off their asses when the alarms went off. Liberals are, which is why they need to be ignored.

$30+ trillion here we come. $120+ trillion in unfunded liabilities, here we come. Suicidal.
That's all you talk about is how shitty and worthless you think poor people are

That's kind of weird coming from a guy who says he's so successful in life. Most successful people I know want to help poor people, they don't condemn them, call them worthless or join internet forums and badmouth them behind their backs

Boohoo, you're breaking my heart. Fuck them. First, I doubt you know ANY successful people. Second, if they want to help the less fortunate, they have my full support to spend their own time and money, just not mine.
Oh no, the usual attempts to shame him aren't working? What do we do now? He won't play our "feels" game.

Call him racist, yeah, that's the ticket.