Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

No matter republican or democrat, conserative or liberal, the people are going to pay for it. Just be honest with us but they never will.

I have to disagree..profitable Fortune 500's don't pay any taxes yet use our country's infrastructure and resources..they come to to the dinner table..choose the best food for themselves..leaving nothing but scraps for the rest and pretend they weren't at your house having dinner.
Government can't "give" anybody anything that they didn't take from somebody else...AND...it's always taken under threat of force.
they gave you a Social Security number in which you use, it also gave one to your 3 children in which you readily accepted. Now slave please quit your complaining. You just talk and talk and do nothing. Do you think your meager words will actually change anything slave ? Hell your slave ass won't even attempt to run away.
they gave you a Social Security number in which you use, it also gave one to your 3 children in which you readily accepted. Now slave please quit your complaining. You just talk and talk and do nothing. Do you think your meager words will actually change anything slave ? Hell your slave ass won't even attempt to run away.

Government is systemically dishonest and fraudulent unless all the people in it gave their individual express consent to be part of it.

That hasn't happened, thus...government is systemically dishonest and fraudulent, since it relies on involuntary capture of the individual people it purports to serve.
You give your consent by living in the society

Your belief is unreasonable and unrealistic
Garvey was a man of ACTION. You are a man of words

I did not use the word lazy, you did. Welfare traps people into poverty. Once you get on welfare if you get a job you lose your benefits. If you have income you lose your benefits. Basically to keep your benefits you have to remain poor.

then why do 80% of people stop taking assistance after 5 years? and more than 50% after only two tears?
I have to disagree..profitable Fortune 500's don't pay any taxes yet use our country's infrastructure and resources..they come to to the dinner table..choose the best food for themselves..leaving nothing but scraps for the rest and pretend they weren't at your house having dinner.

Not true as I earlier reported but keep on spinning your have-not lies to the haves that made it.

If you have scraps, it's because you did and continue to screw up.
1. A $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps.
2. A $1 billion in funding for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) that is intended to revitalize low-income communities via "Job training and placement assistance", "Financial literacy programs", et al, to helping families become self-sufficient.
3. A $2 billion in new Neighborhood Stabilization Funds that will allow ailing neighborhoods be kept maintained.
4. A $1.5 billion in Homelessness Prevention Funds to keep people in their homes and prevent homelessness.
5. A $5 billion increase for the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low income families save on their residential energy expenditures by making their homes more energy efficient.
6. A $4 Billion program, The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, "authorizes funding for federal school meal and child nutrition programs and increases access to healthy food for low-income children."
7. As part of the HCR bill, subsidies will be available to the uninsured and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level($14,404 for individuals and $29,326 for a family of four).
8. Estabilished Open Doors to end the 640,000 men, women and children who are homeless in America by 2020.
9..Increased the amount of federal Pell Grant awards so that funds are available to those with less access to have opportunity.
10. Provided $510 Million for the rehabilitation of Native American housing.
11. Expanded eligibility for Medicaid to all individuals under age 65 with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level ($14,400 per year for an individual).
12. Providing assistance to low-income workers through the Earned Income Tax Credit giving millions of working families the break they need.
13. Education being the way out of Poverty, kicked off the "Race to the Top", a $4.3 billion program, that rewards via grants to States that meet a few key benchmarks for reform, and states that outperform the rest.


Sounds like a lot of money? Try ONE AND A HALF TRILLION DOLLARS AND COUNTING for the Joint Strike Fighter program, a boondoggle in every sense of the word, designed not to fly, fight and defend us but merely to extract cash from American taxpayers. It does this job as well as fighting the Iraq War.

Or, the oil subsidies for ExxonMobil alone; more HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

The idea the money isn't there to use for our citizens is just hysterically false.
Compare to what I have to pay for my son today. UCSD

Costs (2014 - 15):
  • Tuition and Fees: $13,427 (in-state); $36,305 (out-of-state)
  • Books: $1,509 (why so much?)
  • Room and Board: $12,254
  • Other Expenses: $4,064
  • Total Cost: $31,254 (in-state); $54,132 (out-of-state)

One would think education would be streamlined a bit better, Utilizing technology, one might think it would get cheaper.

But now I can see the professors plight.
They could make televised education nearly free if they wanted. They don't want to.
What about the people who have some kind of medical issue they had to deal with that sapped their life savings?

I'm curious how your complete lack of compassion for other human beings developed, what makes you believe poor people are worthless? Is being lazy really the worst thing a person can be in your mind or what?
Your idea of "compassion" is forcing others to support you. That's not compassion.