Under the bridge a trolls paradise.

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
Real ladies swallow like how unattractive is a chick spitting. I also enjoy mass murder die sperm die!!
oh hell, tell them if they dare come in your mouth, you will spit in their mouth! that way, when they "forget" you know what they really wanted... grab them by the throat -sorta gently-little pressure-open...open...there. just like they do it...projectile 60mph. SPIT IT! ..hey where's my smoking the big fattie emoticon?


Well-Known Member
Sammy the sperm cell:

Sammy always wanted to be the one, the guy to make it all the way, so he exercised every chance he could. He was so beefed up and sure of himself that he claimed that he alone could father quintuplets. So there he was going about his daily routine, then all hell breaks loose, the call has come down from the higher ups and Sammy dives into action. Swimming with all his might he breaks forth and leads the pack, he get so far in front most of the other sperm can't see him. Trying the best they can the others just aren't able to keep up and slow down their dash to glory. Then as quick as he gone he was there again, Sammy the one and only, screaming and swimming like his life depended on it, "Back!, back you fools it's only a blow job"


Sector 5 Moderator
Anyone esle get the impression char is one of those good in bed crazy in the head chicks?
Fuck yeah man; I've got a firm grasp on the obvious. April, I have to wonder how many innocent potential children have died on your lovely face.


Pickle Queen
oh hell, tell them if they dare come in your mouth, you will spit in their mouth! that way, when they "forget" you know what they really wanted... grab them by the throat -sorta gently-little pressure-open...open...there. just like they do it...projectile 60mph. SPIT IT! ..hey where's my smoking the big fattie emoticon?
We are so not on the same page....I think ur books upside down and backwards.... lol
I enjoy a mouthful .... make him eat pineapple! !! Something tells me u cum with a safety word


Sector 5 Moderator
I always drink a big glass of fruit juice or punch before... You gotta be fucking kidding me; it's snowing again here.


Well-Known Member
Thats when taps or motions come into play. I get what you're saying though lol

If she's tapping and moving, you did 2 things wrong. The Seran wrap, start at the FEET, otherwise it bunches and you leave wiggle room; and, even though she's all wrapped up, don't forget the ropes, nthey aren't just there for decoration!