under watering?


Well-Known Member
Those two little leaves at the bottom the plant will hold enough food for the plants first cpl weeks...:) No need for food or burning seedlings for a bit.....but hempy's are tough, although I have seen a cpl masters of this, on RIU. :) IMO...your seedling looks fine broseph! :)

Just pretend you are growing in coco and you are the only way food is going to reach your plants....:)

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Except he's in perlite/verm and they won't last that long without ANY food.

If your in perlite/ver I would start feeding them. There is no nutrition what so ever in your medium and I know a bunch of soil guys will tell you differently, but when your in an inert medium/hydro they need food from day one.

Just start very light, 1/8 or what the bottle recommends or more accurately, under 150ppm. That's total ppm, so if your using tap water it's already probably higher then that, I always recommend going with distilled or ro at this point so you can fed them.

I see a lot of new growers struggle with this stage and it's because all the soil guys scare everyone into NOT feeding their plants, even if they aren't growing in soil, lol.
I disagree....a hempy does better with no nutes for the first two weeks, if fact I tried feeding low level of nutes from day 1 and had signs of over nutes


Well-Known Member
quidbilly your the first person on here ive ever heard say feed from day 1. Like everyone else on here we know that the cotyledons have all the nutes it needs for the first 2 weeks like warriorbuds said. Also if you would have read the post you would have seen that it was slight over watering


Well-Known Member
The cotyledons store energy like a tuber (as well as the immediate root sprout) , but once they put out another leaf/set they need nute's or they will start to show deficiencys . 2 weeks just sounds like a estimate becouse all seedlings can grow at different rates

I believe in soilless mediums most wait the full 2 weeks so the plant will be a little more established and be able to handle the nute solution alot better

-- Sounds like a cheap experiment