Underground drying

Im in the process of digging a hole thats 7 feet tall, to fit a wooden box into to dry my plants. Its going to be standard wood with nothing sprayed or coated on it because I dont want any chemicals on my plants. I will have it completely sealed off and light proof, Ill have it simply ventilated but the outside temp is not going to be any extreme. Will drying it underground have any negative affects on the final results or will it be okay? This is my first time doing it underground so if anyone got any ideas or advice it would be very helpful.
Im in the process of digging a hole thats 7 feet tall, to fit a wooden box into to dry my plants. Its going to be standard wood with nothing sprayed or coated on it because I dont want any chemicals on my plants. I will have it completely sealed off and light proof, Ill have it simply ventilated but the outside temp is not going to be any extreme. Will drying it underground have any negative affects on the final results or will it be okay? This is my first time doing it underground so if anyone got any ideas or advice it would be very helpful.
Excuse my ignorance but how are you going to ventilate something that's sealed shut 7ft under the ground?
The only way this would work is with a cheap 12v solar panel powering a small USB powered fan to constantly ventilate it. You also need to seal the box from the outside so the high humidity doesnt seep through the wood. Id suggest rubberized undercoating then wrapped in visqueen on the outside of the box. This is a grand idea for good temperature stability.
Im in the process of digging a hole thats 7 feet tall, to fit a wooden box into to dry my plants. Its going to be standard wood with nothing sprayed or coated on it because I dont want any chemicals on my plants. I will have it completely sealed off and light proof, Ill have it simply ventilated but the outside temp is not going to be any extreme. Will drying it underground have any negative affects on the final results or will it be okay? This is my first time doing it underground so if anyone got any ideas or advice it would be very helpful.
Think of the basement of a house....damp, musty. Is that a good place ? Of course I guess it depends where you are. Also, all the odor is going to rise through your "simply ventilated" room, so what are you creating? Oh, and standard wood absorbs molds really easily, again, depending where you are. It might be ok in the desert. Sounds like a lot of work.
I usually book a flight - kick open side door and toss buds out - i like freezing the triches.
Oddly enough the curious thing is not that you throw your buds off a plane, but how the hell you manage to get them on the plane in the first place. You must be a world renowned smuggler lol
Oddly enough the curious thing is not that you throw your buds off a plane, but how the hell you manage to get them on the plane in the first place. You must be a world renowned smuggler lol

God dammit.... cover is blown .
I would love to see this "cannabis coffin" in action. Surely there must be some way to do it right. I hope things work out and you get the kind of results you want from this. Maybe you'll unearth some secrets.
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Oddly enough the curious thing is not that you throw your buds off a plane, but how the hell you manage to get them on the plane in the first place. You must be a world renowned smuggler lol
It’s actually easier to get small quantities of dry, powered substances on commercial flights right now, due to the face diaper regs. I know a guy that stuffed a well sealed gram of yay in his lip like a dip, breezed through like nothing.

Granted, that won’t help with herb, lol.
Think of the basement of a house....damp, musty. Is that a good place ? Of course I guess it depends where you are. Also, all the odor is going to rise through your "simply ventilated" room, so what are you creating? Oh, and standard wood absorbs molds really easily, again, depending where you are. It might be ok in the desert. Sounds like a lot of work.
Im close to a coast in socal that gets rain not even 10 times a year. The soil is super dry.