Underground Grow Room Idea


Active Member
dont know if this has been said but what about a few school buses i saw a guy on youtube use them for a bomb shelter.


Active Member
I havent checked a wind map for australia and Im not sure on your financing but have you considered wind turbines? You could be off grid or on grid. Its alot cheaper than solar and if you plan on doing this you have to think about fuel cost for gen. I know that with your harvest you will be able to make up the fuel cost but still. Running a diesel, gas, natural gas, or propane gen all the time is major overhead that you'll have to consider especially when starting out. Unless you are financially secure and can make it a few months before harvest/incoming cash. Turbines is definetly an option. We thought of it and then looked at our wind map to see what our average wind speed is and big surprise I just happen to live in one of the worst places in the country for wind.
nice idea thanks for that i no u will probably think this is all coincedence and i seem to no alot of the right ppl but my dads friend is an engineer and has just been asked to perfect the design for a wind turbine as the company that built it first put it up for a test run and it got blown over lmao anyways he should be finished this project in the next year and im sure he could figure something out to get a few


Active Member
dont know if this has been said but what about a few school buses i saw a guy on youtube use them for a bomb shelter.
i dont think this is plausable the windows would all have to be taken out they probably couldnt hold the pressure of the dirt


Active Member
power is the way most get caught. You need a working wood shop or somthing to hide your electric usage, or a natural gas generator.


Well-Known Member
So MD if your parents have shipping containers around why dont you just rig up a shipping container and leave it above ground?

If you set it up right with carbon filters for exhaust no one would Ever question it being there. And if someone came around you could move it. I would imagine cops would need a warrant to open any containers. Just buy a lock and a bunch of cheap plastic seals and just say its a customers container so it cant be opened yet.

You would have way more options, you wouldnt be stuck in the ground. You wouldnt have to do all the work of burying the damn thing. And you can MOVE it at any time, you could even paint it and add fake numbers to change the appearance overnight.:wink:

Check out this clip, lots of Great tips for some of the basic requirements to do a shipping container grow. Insulation will be the most important thing. Sprayfoam and plywood like in the clip would be perfect.


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
ok i have my machinery tickets for a front end loader and a excavator my old boss is cool as lives down the road from me and smokes and has a front end loader that quote "i can use anytime so longs as i pay for the diesel" and also one of my fathers friends owns an excavator we have had the excavator at my property before to make freestyle jumps as i ride moto anyways my parents are in a second hand and new furniture business that imports furniture from indonesia and what do u think the furniture comes in! SHIPPING CONTAINERS we can pick them up for $2000 australian dollarsso i can afford that easily and as for access to the thing i am a 2nd year apprentice boilermaker but never finished so i can make steel tunnels at first i think i would just have the one container and see how it all works i think i could have the container in the ground in one day covered over but not with access that would take another day i would say but this is all for one container im talking about atm my father already owns all the lights needed for an area that big all hps globes so all i need now is more of a secluded place imean theres fuck all ppl that live where i do but the towns full of cunts so yeah as for power generator would be the go my dad owns a 8 kva whish is plenty enuff power another thing is plumbing is one thing i have not thort about but im sure i will make up a design that works perfect as for the person who got busted because of the heat and the snow it doesnt snow where i live and i would have atleast 10 to 12 foot under ground it probably wont be a project that will be hapnin soon but when it does happe i will have a journal for sure thanks for everyones replys so far didnt expect so much feedback
Mind if I just point out rule #1 of growing? Tell NOBODY! So far you are talking about involving your dad, his friend and your boss, who might all be cool as fuck but if they have any clue what you're doing and the cops come sniffing round, they'll want fuck all to do with you. If they don't know what your up to, then what's the harm if the cops find out that you borrow their digging/earthmoving equipment, generator, shipping container/s that mysteriously disappeared?!
In any case you sound to be in completely the wrong location, if you wanna do a big grow, set it up somewhere far, far away from an area that is crawling with piggies looking to score another bust.
BCTrippin's idea for a mobile container grow is a great one, I suggest you follow his advice 'cos he obviously knows his shit.
If you absolutely have to do it this way, try putting the container/s in the ground and put some innocent shit in there, pool table, dart boards, tvs n shit, then if it gets discovered you say it's just somewhere for you and your buddys to chill. If it's there for months and nobody notices it, then start kitting it out for growing.
My $0.02

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
dont let the negativity in here stop you ......thats the reason they are not 'weed barons' .
i just hope you have the patience and brain power to do this properly , otherwise it will be a very quick ending .

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
dont let the negativity in here stop you ......thats the reason they are not 'weed barons' .
i just hope you have the patience and brain power to do this properly , otherwise it will be a very quick ending .
We're just concerned about giving advice that could end up getting a fellow grower sent to jail. The prisons are full enough as it is.


Well-Known Member
Here are some that you guys wanted to see. Its (36) 600 watt MH&HPS ballasts,(36) HPS bulbs,(36) Air cooled reflectors,(36) cordsets, and (36) 100' rolls of mylar



Active Member
So MD if your parents have shipping containers around why dont you just rig up a shipping container and leave it above ground?

If you set it up right with carbon filters for exhaust no one would Ever question it being there. And if someone came around you could move it. I would imagine cops would need a warrant to open any containers. Just buy a lock and a bunch of cheap plastic seals and just say its a customers container so it cant be opened yet.

You would have way more options, you wouldnt be stuck in the ground. You wouldnt have to do all the work of burying the damn thing. And you can MOVE it at any time, you could even paint it and add fake numbers to change the appearance overnight.:wink:

Check out this clip, lots of Great tips for some of the basic requirements to do a shipping container grow. Insulation will be the most important thing. Sprayfoam and plywood like in the clip would be perfect.

if you read the start of the thread they police are raiding! which means they earch everything and they come warrants it s not like we invite them to come have a look we cant have one above ground they would make you open regardless of whether "its a customers"


Well-Known Member
if you read the start of the thread they police are raiding! which means they earch everything and they come warrants it s not like we invite them to come have a look we cant have one above ground they would make you open regardless of whether "its a customers"

....So you think having it underground is a better option? What makes you so sure they wont find your underground container? When they bring in a drug dog and he starts going nuts at your shed what are you gonna say?

Also have you ever tried digging a hole the size of a shipping container? Your going to run into all kinds of problems just digging the hole.



Active Member
ill just let everyone in on somethng if you own a female dog they are not allowed to bring search dogs to your property in which case i do have one and a male to theyre are very nice and big ha ha


Well-Known Member
Is that true about the female dog??


If you have a female dog they can just bring in another female dog.

If you have a male dog that tries to jump the police dog your dog will probably end up with a bullet in its head. I would strongly advice to take your dogs elsewhere if you getting searched.

A friend of mine had a party once, he was holding the dog my the collar when the cops showed up because the dog was barking. No questions asked the cop walks up to the dog, takes out his gun and shoots it 2 times. It was a big dog, and it did survive, but still, its pretty ridiculous.

Don't think for a second that having dogs around will prevent them from using any search techniques.
