underneath fan leaves turning purple?

you may have your grow room on the cold side some strains will turn purple if its cold out. I only grow outdoors and Canadian fall and even summer nights can get chilly.


Well-Known Member
you may have your grow room on the cold side some strains will turn purple if its cold out. I only grow outdoors and Canadian fall and even summer nights can get chilly.
thx for info. im growin autos and i keep lights on 24 hrs so it never gets cold in there. thx for everyones help i found a thread with somebody growing bh and they said there leaves were purple toward the end. and they said they didnt really strt to smell until it was almost time to chop.so maybe its normal for the strain.


Well-Known Member
I don't know a damn thing about autos but I wouldn't think a 24 hr cycle is a good way to flower them. Definitely get a better PH meter and some calibration solution to keep it dialed in. It looks like you have some major deficiencies and I suggest fixing them ASAP. If your meter is reading high on the vinegar test and you are adjusting your solution to a desired PH, you're watering solution is too acidic and very bad. Personally I would flush, flush, flush, add a couple tblspns of dolomite lime to the top of the soil and start using a PH of around 7.0 until your runoff is less acidic and then adjust accordingly.

This happened to me and it sucked. I waited too long to fix it and my yield was seriously damaged although I did get some quality buds. Get on it! Good luck.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you dont move the ph going in to adjust the medium, causes issues. the lime is there in the soil already to do this for us. and if you add more lime then the ph may want to keep rising if the old hadnt been used up yet. lime should be good in the mix for azbout 3 months if it wasnt abused to much.


Well-Known Member
you dont move the ph going in to adjust the medium, causes issues. the lime is there in the soil already to do this for us. and if you add more lime then the ph may want to keep rising if the old hadnt been used up yet. lime should be good in the mix for azbout 3 months if it wasnt abused to much.
I agree with most of your advice but the PH must be adjusted somehow. Assuming there is enough lime in the soil is not advised since we know it is not buffering currently. Many people make lime amendments to the soil during transplantation for additional buffering. Although Lime is used generally to raise PH it is completely neutral. It will not raise the medium's PH above 7.0. He needs to raise the PH of his medium and there are few ways to do it. Adjust the incoming solution to the correct PH and/or add soil amendments to raise the PH.

Lets assume for a moment that the vinegar test is accurate and his meter is off by +1.1. Depending where he is adjusting his solution, he's most likely adjusting too acidic. The lingering question, what level is he adjusting his nutrient solutions to and what level is his soil runoff?

If you don't want to wing it on your ghetto meter you can get some paper testers. Assuming the vinegar test is working..... You could take a chance and flush with water that is adjusted to 7.5 on your meter which would hopefully be about 6.4ish actual and add amendments to raise PH. I would also re-establish nutrient base including CalMag.


Well-Known Member
It seems you have a P & K deficiency.

Purple undersides are a result of phosphorus deficiency from cold weather, low P in the medium, getting locked out if the medium is acidic, or high levels of Fe & Zn.

The pictures show a Potassium deficiency, either from low K, or too much salts in the medium

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
I agree with most of your advice but the PH must be adjusted somehow. Assuming there is enough lime in the soil is not advised since we know it is not buffering currently. Many people make lime amendments to the soil during transplantation for additional buffering. Although Lime is used generally to raise PH it is completely neutral. It will not raise the medium's PH above 7.0. He needs to raise the PH of his medium and there are few ways to do it. Adjust the incoming solution to the correct PH and/or add soil amendments to raise the PH.

Lets assume for a moment that the vinegar test is accurate and his meter is off by +1.1. Depending where he is adjusting his solution, he's most likely adjusting too acidic. The lingering question, what level is he adjusting his nutrient solutions to and what level is his soil runoff?

If you don't want to wing it on your ghetto meter you can get some paper testers. Assuming the vinegar test is working..... You could take a chance and flush with water that is adjusted to 7.5 on your meter which would hopefully be about 6.4ish actual and add amendments to raise PH. I would also re-establish nutrient base including CalMag.

told him to check run off long ago and that would tell us on his limes life left. and yes the ph will rise above 7 if therer is to much. it has to do with how the food is being process and if not it may rise way up...or go way down. and those liquid testers are even worse than what he has when using nutes as nutes have a colour to them and changes the real reading, and they are only as accurate as a .5. we need closer than that.