Undernuted plants 5th week of bloom


over-watered, over-fed. the red stems= stress, not some half-ass K def. that plant is toxic.......not deficient.
But the red stems appeared before i started feeding it. Increased when i started at half-3/4s of recomended nute concentration.
And has just gotten worse.

The other plants have no, or only slight miscoloration. And they have all been fed the same way, and watered the same amount.

What is different with this plant is that it has grown the most, the fastest, most buds and the thickest stem. And that it has dark red stems on the fanleafs, and red stripes in the main stem.

But if you think its stress, could it just be that i have a slight light-leakage maybe? Or that i have had quite a large temperature variation thoughout the grow?

I will take your advice though and water with pure water a few times, and then restart with a lower nute concentration. Thank you


You didn't say if the plants were all the same strain. That can make a difference. Also you said your run off ph was 5-6 but your tap water is 7.5 and after adding your nute mix it's somewhere around 8. Most say 6.5 ph is good for soil. At 6 you would be locking out calcium and magnesium and at 5 you start adding phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and a few other things.

I don't see how you get 5-6 ph runoff if your watering with around 8 ph nutrient solution. Seems odd.


They are all off unknown strain. (supposedly Hollands hope, but they started to autoflower, so it cant be i guess). I believe they are all the same strain though. Although i cant be completely sure. They did however not all start at the same time. The one with the problems (and that has grown the most) is about a week older. I dont know why. But thats what my ph sticks are telling me. I believe the soil has a low starting pH though. Guess that must be it? So if i might be locking out Calcium and Magnesium, can i add them both though spraying the plants? I know i can add magnesium with ebson salt for example. But calcium? Could i water them with milk? :P Guess it has high pH and calcium at least