

Active Member
hey guys I usually post in the outdoor thread but since this is a plant problem i decided to come here. 3days ago plants started to get very droopy curl up and lover leaves were drying up. The temp was very hot and my conclusion was that the problem came from me skipping one day of watering. I watered em yesterday and they looked better today when i went to water again. MY question is how much water should i be using for each plant all in 7gallon buckets? So far ive been using 1/2gal between all four plants is that not enough? Im in socal btw so temps are over 90degrees.


Well-Known Member
my plant is doing the same but im also suspecting a nute burn. in cali there is a heat wave but if your plant can last another 3 days then your good...maybe! remember to keep the plants watered! good luck!

here is mine
does this look similar?
btw i flushed it but it seems to keep getting worse but slower, i hope it stop because i will begin to flower in 2 weeks!
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Active Member
hehe yee pretty much same thing. I also thought nute burn, but ive been giving the same dose the whole time. I just watered with h20 yesterday and today, seemed to get better but ill see how they look later tonight


Well-Known Member
i stopped feeding it nutes,

when i flushed it i watered it until it overflood the pot and i came back twice and did it again .. i believe it was about 30 oz total but as you see my pot is small... i did this two days in a row is this considered flushing??


Well-Known Member
i stopped feeding it nutes,

when i flushed it i watered it until it overflood the pot and i came back twice and did it again .. i believe it was about 30 oz total but as you see my pot is small... i did this two days in a row is this considered flushing??
Run a shit load of water threw the soil. The concept is to rinse out the nutrients/fertilizer. Ya cant over rinse them.


Well-Known Member
Hey i know what you mean NOTKbaby,I live here in S.CAL too and i feel the heat so what you want to do is always when it's time to water lift you pots and "feel" the weight of the pot then water and check again,that way you can beter judge when to water. I have some in pots but I know that two of them are two feet tall and i usually have to water them every three days,but i'm growing them in five gallon pots.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, what if i flush like 3 days in a row because thats whay will happen if i rinse again? i heard you are not allowed to let the soil dry in between?