Uneven Cannopy Veg

Big Z

So plants are 5 weeks into veg and looking really healthy. However 2 of my plants are 13 inches while the other 5 are 11/10 inches. Was wondering if this would cause issues down the road with the canopy being uneven and if so any recommendations would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hi how are you today? down the line just means more bud.... Unless you have space issues then you might want to look into some lst training or get them in some cages.

Big Z

Doing good thanks for asking! Appreciate the feedback however wouldn't an uneven cannopy produce uneven lighting to the shorter plants? Always was under the assumption that you should attempt to even out the cannopy


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would look into LSTing your girls to even the canopy out to maximize yields, but you wont do anything but hurt the yield of the shorter plant if you don't. So if you don't want to I wouldn't worry. As cindysid said 2 inches aint a big deal

Big Z

Thanks both for the input I shall not worry about the others for now! Bastard at the grow store said I needed to trelice it and all this stuff looks like he was trying to make some extra money :/