Unflushed weeds kill hundreds in Missouri


The way I see young people talk about garbage chemical weed these days, "Bro that shit knocked me out instantly", calling unflushed bud "gas", etc, is it safe to say the effect the modern day pot smoker seeks is nothing more than the effects of nitrogen poisoning?

It's a serious thought. I've toked the hardest purps, chems, Ogs around for hours straight, deep into the morning, and nothing ever knocked me out. Yet that's how the dispensary kids rate the "high" these days. In fact I've never met an "Indica" that wouldn't wake you back up when you smoked more. Even the ladies can hang for a few hours before giving up and nodding off.

These kids today ain't getting high, I know for a fact. I've smelled what they smoke. They are getting knocked out from low oxygen in the blood! And the internet grow community thinks it's acceptable to not know what the fuck they are doing?

How many have to die before the internet growers come out of their denial about ferts in plants? Anyone willing to nitrate test their bud? See what comes back blue? I wonder if they got a phosphate field test?
Ok. First it is the fact that does have more than one stomach. Maybe take the time to read what you post.

Next. It only happened from nitrogen tox. Flushing wouldn't help. Flushing is a myth. Leeching is the correct term. Leeching removes salt from geow medium not plants.

You cant flush a plant. First immobile nutrients dont move. Mobile nutrients move from lower yellowing to new growth or the very buds you smoke.

No need for flushing unless you are over feeding and even then it only corrects the soil not the plant.

Feed properly to the end and everything will be good.

Smmothness comes from the dry and the cure.
When I flush my plants I like to use a nitrate solution. I typically use just a standard product with 0.5% sodium nitrate. It's available at most supermarkets and provides a decent amount of nitrate to the bud. When I really want to bump it up a notch I use a specialized product like Prague Powder which contains 3.6% sodium nitrate and is also supplemented with 5.6% sodium nitrite to give my weed that extra kick. This is in addition to the calcium nitrate I use for my nitrogen source. The pink Prague Powder helps produce massive quantities of pink trichomes. The taste is amazing and the high is even better.

Oh, one gram of the Tender Quick per gallon and .25 grams per gallon of the Prague.
