unhealthy leaves problem


any ideas whats wrong? growing with 600W LED kept a good distance from tops of plant, and a circulating fan. water ph'd to 6.3-6.4 whenever soil feels dry. not sure what the humidity is like as i don't have a humidity measure. Same with temperature, but i doubt its over 32C, as the door is always open with fresh air circulating, & light does not produce much heat.

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Sure you are not overwatering?....,do you let them dry up some to where the container is light before you water again?you can get a humidity tempature thing at wal mart for a couple bucks
isn't a symptom of over-watering droopy leaves? in my case, the leaf edges are curling up. Also, the leaf edges do not feel dry or crispy, but they are soft. I will soon be buying a temperature/humidity reader, thanks for the advice!
My led has two switches to alternate between half and full power. (With 1 switch on, half LED's work, with both on, all work) - since they've been planted, it's always been on half power. If this still too much light for their age? Thanks!
any ideas whats wrong? growing with 600W LED kept a good distance from tops of plant, and a circulating fan. water ph'd to 6.3-6.4 whenever soil feels dry. not sure what the humidity is like as i don't have a humidity measure. Same with temperature, but i doubt its over 32C, as the door is always open with fresh air circulating, & light does not produce much heat.

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That looks like heat stress. That cupping means they are too hot. 32 celcius or anywhere near that is waaaay to hot mate.
I'd bet on the soil....either too wet or too hot for that size plant. Seedlings that small do better when you don't fully saturate the soil because they don't have a full root system yet.
I'd bet on the soil....either too wet or too hot for that size plant. Seedlings that small do better when you don't fully saturate the soil because they don't have a full root system yet.

But how can it be the soil mate. It has to be heat stress. Look at the edges. See the cup formation? thats heat stress. The proofs in the pudding.
On that flowering pic it is most likely heat stress. But on the seedlings in the first post I would have to stand by my previous comment, especially considering the OP ruled out heat.