Uni/College/Work? Bitch about it here!!


Active Member
Feel this really needs to be done!

Im fucking fed up of fucking writing fucking words down on fucking subjects I aint fucking interested in!

And even if i am interested in it.. the work i do gets shit marks regardless if i know my shit or not!

Pisses me off! Steady 2.2 here i come!

aaahhh better

lets hear some others!

Peace guys


Well-Known Member
I'm somewhere around a 3.1-3.3, on spring break now, things aren't bad in my life for once, and I have two job openings that I have an "in" with :)


Well-Known Member
i had two papers and two tests due this week

i love how they make shit due that week before spring break


Well-Known Member
I'll be the first one to bitch about the college situation my GF and I were in up here in Canada.

We went to a community college type thing where you only pay like 1500$ for a 5 month course but you get a good certificate when you complete it - it's a trade, cooking/chef trade to be exact. Just that kind of general thing.

Long story short, the teachers were not teachers at all and SUCKED as chefs, despite being in the industry for like 30 years each. They didn't give two shits about the students OR the food they served. They didn't demonstrate anything and were just generally negative assholes (one specifically who "taught" the main courses side of the program.)

Not to mention almost everyone was retarded/immature in the class or had a fucking "superiority complex". It was fucking PATHETIC!!!! You basically worked for the college and had to fucking pay them to be in it. We did meet several very nice people though. I think I should mention most of the immature people were all people my age (very young adults)

So, we left halfway through, are going to put complaints into the college, and now are going to be paying to go to a REAL cooking school with teachers who can teach AND cook. The best part is we get to use the time we spent taking the course already towards our trades' certificates.

Thanks for reading!!! Anyone else wanna share now? :weed:


Well-Known Member
Shit I wish I had college/work to bitch about.I got a few job interviews next week.I need to get off this bullshit house arrest so I can get back to roofing.


Well-Known Member
I'll be the first one to bitch about the college situation my GF and I were in up here in Canada.

We went to a community college type thing where you only pay like 1500$ for a 5 month course but you get a good certificate when you complete it - it's a trade, cooking/chef trade to be exact. Just that kind of general thing.

Long story short, the teachers were not teachers at all and SUCKED as chefs, despite being in the industry for like 30 years each. They didn't give two shits about the students OR the food they served. They didn't demonstrate anything and were just generally negative assholes (one specifically who "taught" the main courses side of the program.)

Not to mention almost everyone was retarded/immature in the class or had a fucking "superiority complex". It was fucking PATHETIC!!!! You basically worked for the college and had to fucking pay them to be in it. We did meet several very nice people though. I think I should mention most of the immature people were all people my age (very young adults)

So, we left halfway through, are going to put complaints into the college, and now are going to be paying to go to a REAL cooking school with teachers who can teach AND cook. The best part is we get to use the time we spent taking the course already towards our trades' certificates.

Thanks for reading!!! Anyone else wanna share now? :weed:
damn that sucks.People need to get off that dumbass little kid shit when your there to learn,especially if your paying for it.I bet their parents are paying it so they dont even give a fuck.


Active Member
I'll be the first one to bitch about the college situation my GF and I were in up here in Canada.

Thanks for reading!!! Anyone else wanna share now? :weed:
Glad things are turning around, I understand completely im at uni in the UK paying 3000 a year for incompetent teachers and terribly structured courses...

But it will give me that piece of paper that should in theory help me get a job.... who knows... just so badly wanna get it over with now!

Peace guy


Active Member
College is great, I get paid 2k a year to go to the best college in the state. Plus everyone has weed, where can I go wrong?