• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Unions arent bad


Well-Known Member
The name of the company doesnt matter its the point that its whats going to happen to alot of small companies.

I dont intend to argue on the internet especially about something that doesnt effect me either way.


Well-Known Member
that there just here taking your money now a days. there so much protection on employees now a days. fuck any one can get a job and go right to work on public work jobs, and make more then union workers. why? cuz you don't have to give up 15 bucks an hour union dues.
You anti union types kill me with your ignorant & made up comments,not a union on earth collects $15 an hour from its membership,my union dues were less than $30 a month for the 32 yrs i was a member,where ever you get your union info on is all f-ed up,i was in upper management the last 15 yrs i worked union construction so i got to see bids from union & non union contractors alike & suprisingly the scab contractors are allways very close to union bids,ive seen my union shop win an $18 million dollar contract with the next low bidder being non union scabs & their price was about $80,000 different.

The non union crew cost is about 1\3 the cost of a union crew so why are scab contractors bids allways within single digit percentages away from union shops,can you say massive corporate profits while their men scrounge ?

If you think $30,000 to $40,000 a year with no pension is a good living then scab construction work is for you,but if you prefer a liveable wage of $100,000 or better for doing the same job then go union.

The main guys i see bashing unions are jealous non union guys who make poor wages & take out their anger on a union.

No corporate big wig wants to pay you anymore than they must & in the case of non union scab companies they pay just enough to force you to live paycheck to paycheck & aquire little to no savings,this way you cant afford to quit,then they offer you overtime like their doing you some kinda favor & you need to take the ot in order to make ends meet,fuk overtime,whats wrong with making a good living working 40 hours,your scab boss is so why shouldnt you.

You guys act like having a journeymans card is a liscense to print money & the schooling needed to aquire a journeymans card isnt equal to book colledge,well it is,i spent 3 yrs school earning my 1st journeyman card & another 4 yrs earning my 2nd journeymans card,then attended equipment operator apprentiship another 2 yrs in order to obtain a CCO card,thats nearly 10 yrs school to learn my trades & no scab on earth gets the same education,fuk a doctor takes less school so i dont feel bad at all for being union.

Right now i retired 3 yrs early & collect $5,200 a month pension while my non union counterparts IRA's took a shit with bernie madoff & now they cant ever retire with dignity.

Be a happy scab if you like but dont hate on unions cause you get paid substandard wages,get off your asses & organize,then force the office to share the wealth.


Well-Known Member
Detroit is in bankruptcy primarily due to the union payrolls.

Another part is that people in the city do not feel the need to pay their water bills and are shocked that their water is being shut off. In fact the UN has gotten involved to tell Detroit to turn the water back on. Personally I think we should tell the UN to fuck off and find someplace other than America to hold meetings but that is just me.
Do you anti union guys read anything before you spew anti union nonsense like its the bible ? From what im reading i think not,Detroit is broke because its been mismanaged from the top elected non union officials for the last 30 yrs,the last mayor asshat kyamie killpatrick used his expense account & spent millinos of tax dollars on himself,he gave nearly 50 million dollars in construction contracts to his cronies,and those contractors he hired were all tiny little ass scab non union shops,the school board is full of uneducated morons who fist fight at meetings & the city council is the same,all a pack of morons throwing money around like its their own monopoly money.
Watch the tv show American Greed to see how the NON UNION leadership of Detroit ran the city into bankruptcy.

Before kawami they had anotber gangster type mayor named coleman young,he also ran the city like his own personal bank account,i agree that the state & federal unions need a make over but in Detroits case union wages only account for a small fraction of the millions wasted,the bulk of the blame rests squarely on your beloved non union workers of Detroit who authorized 20% cost of living pay raises across the board for all their scab cronies a few yrs back.

Private unions are nothing like government unions infact most private unions have 2 work harder to compete with cheaper scab labor,your not very educated on Detroit history of mismanagement from the top down & all by non union payroll employees.


Well-Known Member
The main reason the Republicans are against Unions is that they contribute to pro labor politicians. Which for the most part is Democrats.
Republicans have been at war with unions mainly to defund the opposition

As to the Anti Union people? They have been force fed a bunch of bullshit for so long about Unions being bad because it doesnt make political sense for the Republicans to say we want to screw the working man because his union doesnt support us.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The main reason the Republicans are against Unions is that they contribute to pro labor politicians. Which for the most part is Democrats.
Republicans have been at war with unions mainly to defund the opposition

As to the Anti Union people? They have been force fed a bunch of bullshit for so long about Unions being bad because it doesnt make political sense for the Republicans to say we want to screw the working man because his union doesnt support us.
No. Because unions are communist bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Ronald Reagan was batshit nuts. He made speeches about our alien overlords. You know the ones from outerspace, not Mexico.

Also, for most of his life he was a Democrat.
reagan left the democrat party when they started supporting civil rights.

"if an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so." - actual quote from ronald reagan

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
reagan left the democrat party when they started supporting civil rights.

"if an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so." - actual quote from ronald reagan
I used to be a Republican until converting to a technocrat about six years ago. Both Republicans and Democrats are lame.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You know what is lame? Claiming you are a superior human being becuase you choose to eat only vegtables
My Buddhism makes me a superior human being. It's only recently that I realized I was one. You can't reach Buddhahood by supporting killing.

I don't think I've mentioned my eating habbits once since returning.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Care to back that up?
there is ample documented history of union backed racism, unless you just prefer to wallow in ignorance. Your choice.

Bow down to your midget overlord, Rahm:


In the early twentieth century, northern blacks and leading civil rights organzations had been deeply skeptical about trade unionism as a strategy for black advancement. They had good reason. The American Federation of Labor had an abysmal record of excluding blacks from membership and, as a result, of keeping crucial sectors of the economy all-white. The pervasiveness of discriminatory practices in unions (from attacks on black “scabs” to the separation of blacks into inferior locals to the countenancing of racially separate job and seniority lines) made unionization a hard sell.


Well-Known Member
Public sector unions confiscate dues from their members and spend them as they chose primarily by donating them to the campaigns of polticians that promise to give more benefits to the unions. Rinse, repeat and you have detroit. Most of the operating budget of the city goes to pay fat pensions to retired union members and there is nothing left for police and fire protection. The city is bankrupt.

Is that bad enough?
Good god i could find a thousand points of ignorance in each of your posts,1st off these pension funds that you claim is taking payroll $ away from police & fire dept are a smoke screen,who do you think collects these big ass pensions ? Police & fire thats who,now after risking their lives for 30 yrs some anti union goon wants to take away their pension,if you were truly educated about Detroit city pensions you'd know the average pension is less than $3,000 a month,i couldnt live on $3k a month but police & firemen do & you begrudge them that pittance of a pension they do collect ? FYI AFSCME workers pensions are directly in line with Ford Motors pensions which equals roughly $100 for each yr of service,not much more than social security .

You bash unions for using members dues to further the unions interests but thats exactly what union dues are for,to lobby against MEGA anti union lobby groups such as the ABC,the ABC spends BILLIONS of $ each yr lobbying for anti union legaslation & to repeal prevailing wage laws,the money funding the ABC group is 100% from non union corporations,if they have billions to donate to lobby groups why not give liveable wages to their employees ?

Its normal for underpaid & overworked workers to lash out in times of high unemployment & point the finger at unions but you miss the big picture,unions are fighting tooth n nail to keep jobs in the USA & lobbying on non union workers behalf as well,to keep prevailing wage laws in place so your city cant fund public jobs where workers are paid minimum wage,so even a non union worker can make union wages while working on government jobs.

What do you have against making a good living anyway ? Do you enjoy working overtime every week instead of spending time with your family ? Do you enjoy banking hours worked,or donating any hours past 40 so you can look good to the boss ? Do you enjoy having an IRA that YOU have to fund & if you put too much $ per hour in your IRA having your employer lay you off because they dont want to match your contribution ? If so then non union is perfect for you.

Me personally i dont want to be financially forced to work overtime in order to make ends meet,i love my family & want to spend time with them,i want a nice home without a 30 year mortgage,i want new cars for me & the wife every year,i want to take vacations each year,i want enough money in the bank i wont loose everything if im out of work for a few months,i want a boat & motorcycles,all the nice things the anti union corporate big shots lavish on thier families,are you worth less than your boss ? Is your contribution to the company you work for so insignificant you wont stand up & demand a FAIR slice of the pie ?

The anti union lobbiests have done a great job of brainwashing an entire generation to blame unions for our shit economy,all the while the Bernie Maddoff types get golden parachutes,non union elected officials are making record breaking salaries & the banks bailed out with our tax dollars gave away 25% of our tax dollars to theirselves as bonuses,must of been for the great job all these non union guys have done with our economy.

Instead of being pissed at the union workers in Detroit write your congressmen & complain about the enormous pay raises just given to the Director & assistant director of DIA detroit institute of arts,the museaum is currently forced to sell off much of its art collections to keep the doors open yet the NON UNION management finds money to pay the directors over a half million $ salaries each,where i come from if the business your controlling is loosing money management dont get raises,the non union management of DIA gets 33% pay increases & you blame unions for Detroits cash crisis,

You really need to read more about the non union leadership of detroit & the salaries they collect which add up in the hundreds of millions.
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Well-Known Member
fuck any one can get a job and go right to work on public work jobs, and make more then union workers. why? cuz you don't have to give up 15 bucks an hour union dues.
I have to answer this ignorant comment directly,your absolutely 100% right when you say any worker can work on public funded projects & make union wages or higher without belonging to any union,thats because of the Prevailing wage law,without that law contractors would hire out of state,low skilled minimum wage workers,the only reason the prevailing wage law is in effect is 100% due to organized labor unions spending union dues to lobby state lawmakers.

The anti union groups you side with spend millions each year trying to repeal Michigans prevailing wage law,the non union contractors you support donate billions of $ to the ABC group who's primary goal is to repeal ALL wage laws in the united states,seems odd to me you'd support the very non union groups who are actively trying to take away your RIGHTS to work on your towns local projects & allow out of state workers to take the work instead,it also seems counter productive that you support the same non union groups who want to take away your RIGHTS to work on local projects & earn top wages without belonging to any union,without unions spending MY union dues fighting the ABC group you'd loose the ability to make the same wage as a union worker on local projects.

You cant possibly believe that your anti union non union bosses & company management where you work arent trying to repeal your local prevailing wage law so they can keep your wages the same do you ? They want to pay you less than they allready do.


Well-Known Member
Good god i could find a thousand points of ignorance in each of your posts,1st off these pension funds that you claim is taking payroll $ away from police & fire dept are a smoke screen,who do you think collects these big ass pensions ? Police & fire thats who,now after risking their lives for 30 yrs some anti union goon wants to take away their pension,if you were truly educated about Detroit city pensions you'd know the average pension is less than $3,000 a month,i couldnt live on $3k a month but police & firemen do & you begrudge them that pittance of a pension they do collect ? FYI AFSCME workers pensions are directly in line with Ford Motors pensions which equals roughly $100 for each yr of service,not much more than social security .

You bash unions for using members dues to further the unions interests but thats exactly what union dues are for,to lobby against MEGA anti union lobby groups such as the ABC,the ABC spends BILLIONS of $ each yr lobbying for anti union legaslation & to repeal prevailing wage laws,the money funding the ABC group is 100% from non union corporations,if they have billions to donate to lobby groups why not give liveable wages to their employees ?

Its normal for underpaid & overworked workers to lash out in times of high unemployment & point the finger at unions but you miss the big picture,unions are fighting tooth n nail to keep jobs in the USA & lobbying on non union workers behalf as well,to keep prevailing wage laws in place so your city cant fund public jobs where workers are paid minimum wage,so even a non union worker can make union wages while working on government jobs.

What do you have against making a good living anyway ? Do you enjoy working overtime every week instead of spending time with your family ? Do you enjoy banking hours worked,or donating any hours past 40 so you can look good to the boss ? Do you enjoy having an IRA that YOU have to fund & if you put too much $ per hour in your IRA having your employer lay you off because they dont want to match your contribution ? If so then non union is perfect for you.

Me personally i dont want to be financially forced to work overtime in order to make ends meet,i love my family & want to spend time with them,i want a nice home without a 30 year mortgage,i want new cars for me & the wife every year,i want to take vacations each year,i want enough money in the bank i wont loose everything if im out of work for a few months,i want a boat & motorcycles,all the nice things the anti union corporate big shots lavish on thier families,are you worth less than your boss ? Is your contribution to the company you work for so insignificant you wont stand up & demand a FAIR slice of the pie ?

The anti union lobbiests have done a great job of brainwashing an entire generation to blame unions for our shit economy,all the while the Bernie Maddoff types get golden parachutes,non union elected officials are making record breaking salaries & the banks bailed out with our tax dollars gave away 25% of our tax dollars to theirselves as bonuses,must of been for the great job all these non union guys have done with our economy.

Instead of being pissed at the union workers in Detroit write your congressmen & complain about the enormous pay raises just given to the Director & assistant director of DIA detroit institute of arts,the museaum is currently forced to sell off much of its art collections to keep the doors open yet the NON UNION management finds money to pay the directors over a half million $ salaries each,where i come from if the business your controlling is loosing money management dont get raises,the non union management of DIA gets 33% pay increases & you blame unions for Detroits cash crisis,

You really need to read more about the non union leadership of detroit & the salaries they collect which add up in the hundreds of millions.
Why can't I lIke this post more than once?


Well-Known Member
Detroit's problems stem from having all of its eggs counted before they hatched. Everyone figured the good times would last forever. That is the problem with most finance, its all figured at the rosiest projections.