Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

more accurately would be, all are under $20/hr. but whatever makes us feel better

A mouthfull of Trump's nads does it for you, am i right? I bring that up because there's a listing on eBay.ru claiming to have trumps nads for highest bidder. The seller is megynUSA#1. she says she's legit, won them in a cat fight.
You haven't seen some of the managers I worked with over the years.
I don't really have a subservient personality, so I always managed to be outside of their reach.
I have been a manager a few times for different business's. Doesnt take any skill at all except for delegation.

Most managers ive worked for have the great skill of always blaming someone else but receiving all the credit.
Rising wages leads to inflation because more money is chasing the same goods and services.

This is no longer true, because automation means there are ever more goods and services in spite of rising wages.

Inflation itself is bad for banks because it erodes their earnings.

If wages rise as fast as inflation, that means workers get the upper hand.

That's why banks have manipulated our system to restrain inflation rather than encourage full employment.

Inflation is only good for those with loans outstanding. It does no good for those who don't. Think of it as a benefit for those who can position themselves correctly, which certainly didn't include everyone.
You're joking right?

Banks including the Fed have an inflation target...
there ya go. keep that foil on good and tight

trump said that exact same thing and you literally voted for him, you retard!

"A global power structure is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities" - donald trump
Right. Doing entry level work means it's okay for people to not get their needs met while still providing a valuable service.

Pay a living wage, automate the job or fucking close your doors. It's time to stop justifying the exploitation of unskilled work.

That's not how it's supposed to work. It was never meant to work that way. "Minimum wage" is exactly that. It is meant to be the minimum amount a person can pay someone to work for them. The least amount of labor will get you the least amount of pay. Minimum work = Minimum wage. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
That's not how it's supposed to work. It was never meant to work that way. "Minimum wage" is exactly that. It is meant to be the minimum amount a person can pay someone to work for them. The least amount of labor will get you the least amount of pay. Minimum work = Minimum wage. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
Just another excuse that says it's okay to exploit people.

Pay a living wage, automate the job or close the fucking business. This applies to everyone from small business to Uber to Wal-Mart.

Anything less is sickening and exploitative, simple as that.
Just another excuse that says it's okay to exploit people.

Pay a living wage, automate the job or close the fucking business. This applies to everyone from small business to Uber to Wal-Mart.

Anything less is sickening and exploitative, simple as that.

Don't like the pay, don't take the job. Nobody is being exploited.