Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

But are you comprehending my point or just trying to argue? What % of abuse do you honestly find rational? I think in the same category as other government assistance programs would be fair, no?
I'm basically against just giving out money to people who just want to sit on their ass and not contributing to society. A mother who is raising her children to become something, is giving something to society. A person sitting on their ass playing video games all day is not
I'm basically against just giving out money to people who just want to sit on their ass and not contributing to society. A mother who is raising her children to become something, is giving something to society. A person sitting on their ass playing video games all day is not

I get that point. I just believe if you give people some real dignity and a real shot they will try. Some people are just evil, some people are really broken, I don't think that is most people, just some. Baby and the bathwater and all that.
I'm sure you do. The very reason why you fight for 15 an hour, which I have been convinced should be a min wag. I was stuck at 12.
Now giving away money to everyone just because is a hell no for me. Get your ass up and work

Why do you feel a person NEEDS to work?
If I grew my own fruits and veggies...I worked

Are we going to go there now? You really want to dumb this up?

Have you ever done volunteer work? You know, for "free"? What if a person wanted to commit their days to working full time, for FREE? Would you look down on that person? How would that person pay their bills?
You'd get the absolute basic, but so does everyone else.

So say the basic is like $1700 a month, if you don't work you get that, if you work and earn 2,000 a month (for example) you'd get $3700.
Hell no. Why should you just get 1700 for being born ? Just have 15 kids and you would be set. Dumbest shit I have heard today
Are we going to go there now? You really want to dumb this up?

Have you ever done volunteer work? You know, for "free"? What if a person wanted to commit their days to working full time, for FREE? Would you look down on that person? How would that person pay their bills?
Is that giving back to society ??? If the answer is yes then I am cool with it.
I work with kids for free now
many times you have bragged about sitting on your ass collecting welfare not having to work, so now you want to be a lair as well as a snitch ?

I jackoff to Judge Judy all day.

Like I said "Stop pretending you know what I do with my time".

We were having a discussion, you can't see beyond your own hatred to be reasonable. You lose.