Universal seeds - thick as thieves


Without discussing or naming the legitimate seed banks that have had their years of hard work for the cannabis community stolen i would like to draw your attention to this groveling apology that is the final nail in the coffin for the green eyed monster that is or WAS UNIVERSAL SEEDS. If they think all press is good press think again!

I work directly in the industry and have heard the whispers of disgust at what this company has done. And thanks to the industry their deception lasted precisely one week before we were informed by the community (you) what they've been up to.

Even with their apology - not only do they obviously contradict themselves but it now seems that rather than shouldering the guilt like men, they have now stooped to a new low by effectively setting up another poor fool who got involved in their racket - as you can read fro yourself in their post below.

Main contradiction and subconscious guilty admission - below.

"I took the site down and I am going through every item in the store one by one" :dunce:

"Because my site was abruptly taken down (another problem we've had so face) I have no idea who unsubscribed to the mailing list so I will be using it one more time (to point people to this post) after which it will be going into the trash.

All i can say to the Medical and Marijuana comunity, the breeders, wholesalers and independent servants of the industry is -

We cannot allow Thieves and Liers to infect our beloved industry.

We have the proof and we will be taking legal action!

We will keep you posted as Universal Seeds dig themselves deeper into the shitstorm they have created.

Do not think you can fool us again!

Full post below-
Universal Seeds - The truth

Hi All

Firstly, this is not an advertisment so I hope the moderators will see this for what it is - A public apology. It is my first time on this forum and it is a pity that I am comming here to apologise but I hope, if you will have me, to stick around.


I'm a qualified medical practitioner (pathologist) who left medicine to persue a career in the music industry for about 15+ years. My mother suffered with Cancer and although this was by no means not the first time being involved with cannabis it was the first time I came into contact with it for medical use.

Over time I moved away from the music industry and started a number of other businesses including the IT companies which I own today.

I first came into the idea of starting a retail seed shop when I walked into my landlords office and his web designer was showing off a website he had just created for one of this other clients. I thought it was a brilliant idea but then I did nothing about it.

A few months later I was approached by somebody who sold me this website. He had already put in all the descriptions / images etc all I had to do was provide the design. He also offered to set up all the web marketing things I would need and run the site for the first couple of months.

I found out later that :

1) He had copied this website from somebody else
2) Bought a mailing list off some dodgy website (approx 2000)
3) Made up some kind of story to 'legitamise' the business.
4) There is a rumour (which nobody can prove) that he set somebody up for this.

I am making this personal appology to the websites which were copied and to the individual who almost got destroyed in the process. It will not happen again. I took the site down and I am going through every item in the store one by one. I don't have any images yet but I will collect them from breeders over the next few weeks. I have collected a few volunteers to get me more info on the products (I've had to promise them 10% off for life
) but at least I'll get first hand info. (drop me a line if you want to help)


The reason I decided to start universal seeds was because I believe that it is currently a capatalist market. In other words, there is so much profit to be made on each product that the market leaders are keeping the prices high. I am a business man and yes, it is a commercial venture but it is a lot more than that. For you stoners out there, yeah I love you all but entertainment comes at a price BUT for all those who are using these seeds for medicinal purposes then these kinds of prices are rediculous.

At the risk of losing my suppliers I have to keep my prices closer to the market value BUT the law says that I cannot charge VAT to people living in non EU countries and so this is what I am going to do.


Yes, I am responsible for the 'mess' that was caused even though I wasn't aware of it until it was too late but all I can assure you is that the matter has been taken care of and it will not happen again.

Oh yes, before I forget, every order which we have recieved was shipped, discounts were given when we didn't have stock and No, we're not in Nigeria

Because my site was abruptly taken down (another problem we've had so face) I have no idea who unsubscribed to the mailing list so I will be using it one more time (to point people to this post) after which it will be going into the trash.


I have always been happy paying the price for good genetics - sourced fresh from the breeder. The only way you can sell seeds dirt cheap is if you have massive stocks in storage. As we all know stale and old seeds do not equal great healthy plants at the end of your grow.

The independents don't have massive stocks which means your beans are always fresh from the breeder. And the independents dont have the cash to buy in bulk other than a few that we all know.

This distrust and criminal deception has to stop.

Please like this post to show you positive support and as always this is just my opinion.

Mr Mob Barley. :peace:



Active Member
Even the Nigerians say they're not Nigerian. This is a scam perpetrated by scum. Don't trust them till they appear in a magazine ad, make sure to obtain some sort of recourse for your money.