Unknown Indica (maybe from Mountain Kush Mix), 600w, Soil


So I suppose this can be my introduction as well.
This is my first solo grow after acquiring all the necessary shit.
I'm rocking an unknown indica in Basement Mix soil by Royal Gold and also running a Roots Organic line on top of it.
My 'tents' are comprised of NSF restaurant grade adjustable metal shelving. They're a perfect frame that allows stacked growing of smaller plants and seedling trays.
Each tent has a cheapo 600w bulb

I brew my nutes for 24+ hours (pictured here with a homemade aero cloner)

I got these as clones from a friend who got them from a friend, etc. He said they'd yield well in 9 weeks. At this point I'm a bit over 7 weeks into flower.
I also grow food.

So here are the pictures I managed to take.

About 2 weeks into flower


Current Pictures (7 weeks)




This tiny one's a Lemon Hash Plant x Sour Diesel now dubbed Dave's Lemon Diesel.
It went into the flower tent at like 2 weeks of veg because my friend had to move short notice.
I have a mother plant and some newly rooted clones of this strain. I'm keeping it around.

Peppers and Tomatoes- the weather is almost warm enough to plant in the ground here.


I've also got a couple of other strains working. I'll post another journal for those.



Starting to yellow a bit. Foxtailing has settled down these past few days.

For reference, my hands are fucking gargantuan. :-o

This grow just won't finish. I will not be dealing with this strain again unless the smoke is simply the best. I'm entering week 10 on what I thought/was told was an indica...
My veg tent is rattling like bulls in the corral to get into flower and I'm all backed up with these plants. At least my yield won't be too bad.

On the brighter side, I finally got this aero dialed into a stable, repeating system... All these ladies are ready for dirt and a new home.

All cuts with roots are from 4/29 (with exception of 2 that I just culled) Kudos if you can spot which cut is a serrano pepper and which 2 cuts are tomatoes.




So things looked great till I started to trim and realized I had some clowny looking weed when you get down to it. Resin was ok, pistils were red, etc, but the structure and fluffiness really turned me off.
Of course this is to be expected when you don't know exactly what strain it is you're working with.


Looks good here right?

I only saved 10 grams for me to puff on cause it just doesn't have any bag appeal up here in Denver...

Since I grew 6oz of lemons I figured I'd make some potent lemonade. Er, I mean tincture.
So now I'm sitting on a quart of high octane alcohol tincture (water cured, dried, rinsed, dried, decarboxylated then brewed) in addition to the batch I made from my trim.

The color of the high test is much lighter with about 3/4inch of nice yellow hash solids that settle to the bottom of the jar.
The trim batch is darker with only a trace of hash solids but still potent.

I've been giving out little dropper bottles (35mL) to friends and everyone loves the stuff. 2 squirts of the trim batch will get you going nice for about 5 hours while a single squirt from the high test will have you pondering your mortality as you drift into oncoming traffic...

So not all was lost.

In better news, I moved all my indoor plants outside after building myself a 6ft privacy fence to abide by Amendment 64. It's just so fucking refreshing.
I made a little dark room in my outdoor shed so I can do the pot shuffle trick and flower before our first frost.
I'm rocking a batch of Mr. Nice Guy that was trained/trimmed for SCROG but due to lease timing I'd prefer to have them out of the house this run.


Not that you can't figure it out but the high octane jar is on the left.

Flip over the high octane jar and you see the goodies

I guess my camera was too busy to tend to autofocus.


Well-Known Member
Dude everything is looking bad ass! Very very nice :-)
Brewing teas, growing monster plants,,, under 600w lights, thats what Im talkin about!

Subbed up for the ride.
