So about 1 month ago I had thrips in my flowering room. Was leaving for a week so I decided to just kill everything and be done with it.

Fast forward 3 weeks later and my veg room has been experiencing mysterious damage ONLY ON THE VEINS UNDERNEATH THE LEAFS. I have a microscope that is able to magnify things up to 200x and can't find any bugs at all!

Like I said it only happens on the underside of leaves and only the veins are affected.

I've been spraying full-strength drzymes for about a week now and while the damage has slown I'm still noticing the damage on some new growth

Someone said russet mites but I haven't been able to see any with my microscope and I don't think this looks like typically russet mite damage


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That does look odd. Some looks like damage from rough handling. I can't tell what these specks are from the photos. Maybe take a closer look at them.


Photo on 12-17-21 at 7.14 PM.jpgTook Some more pictures at a higher focus on damaged areas while I found some stuff that mau be buds I cant tell if its bugs or dirt because nothing was moving .Photo on 12-18-21 at 11.50 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 12-18-21 at 11.54 AM.jpgPhoto on 12-18-21 at 11.55 AM.jpgPhoto on 12-18-21 at 11.56 AM.jpgPhoto on 12-18-21 at 11.57 AM.jpgPhoto on 12-18-21 at 11.58 AM.jpg

Sure looks like you have mites. Possibly multiple types. Maybe a red spider mite in the first picture and the one I pointed out and then also two spotted spider mites. Those pictures are not that great so it's hard to be certain. But there are some mites on your plants. You won't necessarily see them moving as they are stationary while they're feeding on your plant.
You most likely have the beginning of a mite infestation. You also have some nutrient issues.

Don't panic and freak out. You can get everything under control easily.

Use a citric acid based foliar spray. You can buy a commercial product like NukeEm or Dr Zymes. That will kill the bugs on contact. Or you can make your own foliar using citric acid, lemon juice, or vinegar. I'm not going to go into the other methods and recommend that you just buy a commercial product and follow the instructions on the label.

A few days after the initial treatment a foliar of neem or sesame oil to prevent a reoccurrence should be applied. Any oil based foliar spray should only be applied during the vegetative stage and never under lights. Lights off when spraying. Once the plant is in flower never spray any oil based treatment on your plant.

You mentioned you had thrips in the past. It's probably a good idea to go over your entire grow area and everything close to it with a wipe down of something like white vinegar. Diluted in a solution of course.

Clean everything.

Good luck
Agree with @xtsho on both bugs and deficiencies. Don't go overboard all at once. See potassium as well as magnesium deficiencies. Normally I'd advise foliar for the magnesium but not this time. You caught things early.
@xtsho @hotrodharley Do you think it would be okay to spray some athena stack just to help the Postasssuim issue or would you recommend waiting till the bugs are gone?

Also I have been spraying dr zymes for the past 5 days full strength I was going to give them a 2 day break from the ipm it should I keep going full blast no breaks?
@xtsho @hotrodharley Do you think it would be okay to spray some athena stack just to help the Postasssuim issue or would you recommend waiting till the bugs are gone?

Also I have been spraying dr zymes for the past 5 days full strength I was going to give them a 2 day break from the ipm it should I keep going full blast no breaks?
If I'm spraying for bugs or mildew I don't use a foliar feed. I'll defer to @xtsho on this.