Unknown Problem Please Help


Hi, I have 7 c99 plants that breached the soil almost two weeks ago. A couple are doing ok but many have purple and discolored leaves(light green with purple/grey mixed in). The stems are also purple. All of them are growing very slowly. I'm not sure what is causing this.
Lighting: 4x4' T5 fluorescent light that were about 2"above the top of the plant(1st week) but are now at 4" above tops.
Medium: Miracle Gro Organic, contains slow release nutrients
Water: ph roughly 6.7, I water when the top layer of soil is dry but feel I may have watered too much so I've backed off recently
Air: well cirulated
Any ideas about the strange leaf color or why the growth has become so slow? Is it the MG?
Also I am going out of town Friday and get back tuesday, what should i do before I leave?
I know the photos are low quality, but it's the best I could get. They give a pretty good idea of what the color looks like.
Thanks for the help



get those out of the dirt they are n. put them in new dirt with with a alot of perculite vurculite and i used top soil from lowes.. i mixed mine with bone meal blood meal feather meal and bloom blossom a little lime...use no ferts water good and then do not water 4 atleast a week and bam they will return 2 great plants...how do i kno this cause mine done same thing looked good then 1 day. then wilted and turned greyish purple..and mine was also root bound 2...if u dont change dirt death will come
i would say the dirt i use peat free and mix perlite and vermiculite and water about 2 twice a week but i do use nutes ionic for soil grow follow instructions hope that helps


when your plants a re purple, its a sign of less heat. you can stress your buds that way and sell it good :) people like purple, but it slows your plants down in the process, they dont like it.
i grow in a shed, and winter is comming so i am experiencing the same thing. i sudgest getting a heat lamp for reptiles, or invest in a heating pad, put it around the pot/container or w/e and you should notice some difference


It turned out to be a nutrient deficieny. I could not get new soil( no car) so I leeched the soil in two of the pots. This made the problem even worse and the plants in these pots never recovered. I added nutrients and the surviving plants began growing again.