Found a busted branch this last Saturday from girl 1 of the last post. Trimmed her wet, hung for 2 days, IDK but she dried up fast as hell. So I went ahead and threw it in a paper bag with some fresh fan leaf, to hopefully regulate the process. Yes, branch snap already!

No it didnt hang dry in the window. This shot was just for the pic. It dried in closet upright.
And here is todays shots of her out the bag.

Imma go head and give her a full manicure this eve, so I can add to my oil material. And most likely jar the nugs. (lid open?) overnight or sumtin. This is also a great time to test for readiness, of the rest of the girl. Im a big fan of 50/50, so we try to get as close as possible. And fuckin ay, we gots quite a few clones off her already rooted and kickin ass, So this unknown strain may actually be a success for us. Woooooo!