unknown strain soil grow cfls


this set is all my plant and one of a side by side comparison and one is a little sog of about 15 clones i pulled off of my plant the larger one

ill post the pics of his very soon these like i said are all my plant except the two side by sides and the sog


oh yaeh and i noticed a few orange hairs already popping up...cant see em in the pics really, but is this bad good any opinions??


and these are pix of his little girl
he has a few more orange hairs then me as well
idk why since they have been flowering together since the beginning
hypothesis: his is smaller causing it to mature faster??
anyone who knows let me know


From what i have read and seen the orange hairs are a good thing, natural development of the buds. I believe a lot like the leaves this comes from temp changes from dusk til dawn but don't quote me on that, thats just what I seem to remember. looking damn tasty though, I can't wait till I see my first bud porn, well I guess I can if I want it to be worth seeing..lol!