Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?


what would make two out of my 4 plants have a distinct coffee smell? a couple key things 2 point out is that they are 2 weeks into flower, and the 2 out of the four that smell like coffee are a kind of a unknown strain. i say kind of unknown because i seem to remember the seeds coming from a couple grams of either west valley bubba kush, or bubba kush, key word "seem". the bag they are in now has a sour desiel lable so i am basically asking if one of those strains may put out a distinct coffee smell? if that is not the case perhaps i am doing something wrong? but it smells pretty good so i hope its just right
... true newbie here, first time grow, any type of info is helpful, thanks!


Love that coffee taste, make's for a good wake n bake.....lol
i know right! = D my mouth waters everytime i walk in my house! been smokin for many years but i never ever dreamed a couple of life's most enjoyable substances would/could get mixed up in such a beautiful way....What a precious gift!!!


bud bootlegger
omg, i sooo love that lovely coffee smelll to a good kush.. smells bomb.. when i was a tennie booper, i used to work in a gourmet coffee store, and kush always brings me back to those days..


smell like coffee mate think you may be doing something wrong!!

omg! i know thats why i came here in hopes that all you SEASONED green thumb veterans could/would point me in the right direction... do you have any other helpful imput? or just that i may b doing it wrong? yikes! i hope, hope, hope not!
can someone give me some sort of detailed explaination??? pretty plz = ) this is a scary answer! = /


Well-Known Member
I've come across this kind of weed before and your in for some good tasty smoke! Ya it's probably some type of kush, and I dont think the smell has anything to do with something being wrong.. But ya about 3 years ago my buddy bought a pound off his girlfriends dad who mostly grew for himself.. And it smelt just like coffee but a bit sweeter, I'd say it smelled like coffee mixed with a bit of brown sugar, and tasted sooooo good to smoke you just want to eat it!!


Well-Known Member
The smell isn't somethin u should worry about and is too little info to diagnose a problem if there is one. Do they look healthy? Are they growing fast and strong? Pictures is the most helpful way we can help you


grow room 1st pic.jpg2 ad in front 2 bk in rear 2nd pic.jpg
2 afternoon delights in front
2 bubba kush in back
ad weak.jpg
this afternoon delight plant hardly has a smell at all and is a slightly lighter color than the other afternoon delight plant
ad healthy.jpg
this is the healthier AD plant, both in terms of color and smell, which is also getting the coffee smell like the 2 bubba kush plants.
both bubba kush plants.jpg
a little closer of the 2 bubba kush plants
bk smaller of the 2.jpg
the smaller of the 2 bubba kush
bk big plant top WIDE view.jpgbk top nug big plant.jpgbk large- top 4 branches.jpg
Finally, the larger of the 2 bubba kush, all plants 19 to 23 days into flowering depending on when I changed light cycle and when I actually noticed flowers....which is when I removed 3 males 7 days into flower, or light cycle change, however you veterans calculate all that....? = )

Does anyone think i have a chance at a decent yield? Do the ladies look healthy/unhealthy?

And a BIG thank you!

Hope this helps
Sorry for the delay


I don't think anyone really cares but I figured I would post a final number for someone who may have the same issue/strain/question...

I will start out with the weak "Afternoon Delight" plant, (1st picture above) YEILD-45 grams dry, exactly 2ft tall at harvest.

Second picture is also "Afternoon Delight" YEILD-43 grams dry, also 2ft tall at harvest.

Third picture was the smaller of the two "Bubba Kush"/"Bubble Kush" plants YEILD- 115 grams dry, exactly 3ft tall at harvest.

Fourth pictures are the large "Bubba Kush"/"Bubble Gum" plant YEILD-130 grams dry, exactly 4ft tall at harvest.
Reading about this strain, I found out it's basically the same as Bubble Gum Kush. Now that I am in the trimming and curing process, the "coffee smell" has changed, now all I can smell is the sweetest bubble gum scent you ever smelled (like a dream or something)!!!
I think it is worth noting that all of these plants (sorry to say) went through some tramatic shit to say the least. Everything from below 65 degrees for over a week (all plants turned purple before they were 6 inches tall), severly root bound until the last month, temps exceeded 100 with no ventilation for 5 days, leaves wilted 3 times on the large bubba kush plant from lack of water (but always bounced back after watering), light fell on plant in veg....all these ROOKIE or just plain CARELESS mistakes I will not repeat this time around!!!

Hope this helps someone = ) the information I have gathered from rollitup.org and all you folks is what helped me pull this off.... I truly "THANK YOU ALL" from the bottom of my heart! THIS BLUNTS FOR YOU!!!!

= D "cheesin"