unknown strains need help identifying!!!

This is my first grow, I started out with 6 "unknown" seedlings that I collected from some nicer looking buds. I was lucky to get two healthy females. Ive been in flower for about 9 weeks now for both plants. One is quite taller then the other and now showing redish stems and some purple throughout. while the other plant is very short with only red stems. any one know what strains these two might be? I belive that the bigger one might be a blackberry but not positive... any comments would help!!

here are some pictures


since your plants look great I will spare you my sarcastic story about "Cannabis Gigantus and that you have the last known strain", your girls look nice :-)


Well-Known Member
looks like you close to harvest, maybe if you flush now you could harvest in a week.(harvest in morning before light and after soil has dried up from flushing)

i think you could get away with a double harves though, what i would do is flush now, take only the biggest buds here in about a week then feed and flush a week later, the lower stuff grow for about 3 weeks to get more out of your plant.
Thanks for the advice! I flushed them today and tied up a few more branches that where hanging down from the heavy buds :bigjoint: ill post some more pictures at the end of the week to see what you guys think.