Unsulphured molases in the UK - where to buy ?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone please help ? im wanting to buy some UN-SULPHURED MOLASSES here in the uk.
Trouble is i dont know where to buy it from ?

Can anyone help please. :peace:


Active Member
I buy mine from the local health food store only 1.49 for a jar, but im sure the large supermarkets will have it in the baking section. i found it hard to find at first then i asked my local health store to stock it and they did so give that a go as well as a large supermarket good luck mate.


Active Member
hey i use molasses from my local country store, i realised my gf had a big tub of it in her shed for supplimenting her horses feed so i nicked sum and ive used it ever since and had no problems at all! it costs like 7 quid for 5 litres!!! much cheaper than buyin it from health food shops ect.


Well-Known Member
hey i use molasses from my local country store, i realised my gf had a big tub of it in her shed for supplimenting her horses feed so i nicked sum and ive used it ever since and had no problems at all! it costs like 7 quid for 5 litres!!! much cheaper than buyin it from health food shops ect.
in your opinion, what has been the biggest difference its made to your plants since you stared using it ??


Active Member
hey man i use molasses and it made a big difference to my bud take a look at my grow in the link below you see the difference through the pics i highly recommend using it.. i put a tsp in a gallon everytime i water which is once a week works wonders if your growing in soil but its not good for hydro hope this helps!!


Well-Known Member
you water once a week ?

im watering every 2 days amd using 4 litres, but then im 2 weeks into flower now.....


Active Member
yeah its all depending on your soil and how big the pot is really, im using a 4 gallon bucket and have miracle grow soil mixed with black earth top soil which holds alot of moisture beginners mistake but worked out so far.. if your 2 weeks into flower now is a good time to start with molasses just use a tsp of it once a week in your 4 litres should be fine some people add 2 tbls lol, but i always go by the little goes a long way saying!!


Active Member
yea the main difference i noticed was the buds are alot mor oily, my plants r absolutely covered in crystal, not sayin that this is a magic thc bringer but i think it definately makes a difference! i jus put a lil glug in each 10 ltr bucket wen i first start 2 use it and a bloody good glug after a cuple weeks on it, i start 2 use it about 2 weeks in aswell