Unusal appraoch for getting nitrogen to your plants


I got speaking to an old geezer as the bus stop, he had been tending to his allotment. We got in conversation as the bus was late, and got talking about tomotoes, so I asked him if he had any gardening tips. As it happen he had loads, but the one thing that stood out was that he uses his urine on tomotoes, and said he had been doing for years to get extra nitrogen to the plant, and that it increases flavour. At first I thought he was taking the piss, but no he was just using it on his tomotoes.

This got me thinking about using it in my hydro res, as I only use it for flowering, and the plants are sometimes a little short of nitrogen...

But at the same time, i'm thinking there could be lots of undesirable things in urine, and it may work for soil, but probably not hydro.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Lots of conflicting info on the net about it.

basicly if your not on prescriptions,birth control,or medications your urine is safe in your garden or on trees/shrubs.

wouldent risk in hydro,chemical or organic res


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to save money? I would imagine Earthworm castings would be a much better source of nitrogen... its only about $4-5 a pound... you need like half a pound per plant.


So not a good idea with hydro then.,...and yeah, I just thought why pay for nitrogen if I can produce it for free


Well-Known Member
Dude, nutes are cheap. I use expensive nutes and it still only cost me about $1.15 per dried oz of buds from start to finish.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
peepee has to go through nitrification to become a plant-available form of nitrogen. Meaning bacteria needs to be involved.

If you run a sterile res, and add h202 or bleach, or anything of the sort, it's not going to happen.

Why not just buy some calcium nitrate?

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Dude, nutes are cheap. I use expensive nutes and it still only cost me about $1.15 per dried oz of buds from start to finish.
How do you use expensive nutes and it only comes out to less then 2 dollars an ounce. I use pretty expensive nutes and they are not even as expensive as some and it works out to be way off of your figure.


Well-Known Member
I use the full line of botanicare pure blend pro and additives. I run 50gal res for each 12 plants under a 1000w and pull 32-40oz every three weeks. I just recently did the nute numbers and it was $1.14-1.20 per oz of yield. Add in net pots and collars and it add 13¢ per plant. That is my total plant cost not including electricity.