unusual small bud sites! help!


Well-Known Member
i am 1 month into flowering and my kush bud sites should be bigger than they are!:cuss:it seems when i plant the clone and go straight to flower w/ no veg time they had colas w/potenital at 1 month. (i'll post pics) this time and the time before i had about 1 month veg time or so and the bud sites are smaller at 1 month! with veg time, i clean up about 1/3 of bottom of the plant because of the branching that doesn't get light. i desprately looking for answers, it is so fustrating!:twisted:

here's the pics of what my kush should be looking like(no veg time)



Active Member
may not be giving it enough p...
just a thought
it doesn't look bad, but it could be better yes...


Well-Known Member
So those pics are what they should look like?
Do you have pics of what they DO look like?
Confused here!:peace:


Well-Known Member
sorry for the confusion. those pics are proof that should have big buds, however they don't look like there going to get that big at all. thanks for the help but i have found the verdict! fukin' hermies! they are probably stressed induced hermies because of the pruning?