Up potting question


New Member
First grow here, in the midwest. Doing it outside with only about 6 hrs of direct sunlight so they aren’t growing super fast. Actually, I have no frame of reference to judge how fast or slow it’s growing. Anyway, they are between 24” and 36” tall and I just repotted them last week from 3 gal to 5 gal. The roots had just reached the edges of the pot but was not winding around the outside so it still had room to root. Just today, I noticed signs of pre flower. So now I’m concerned about if the 5 gal pot I moved them to will be enough room to finish all the way to harvest. Should I repot again to 10 gal before flowering really gets under way or should I just ride it out? I concerned that I’ll get a month from harvest and start having problems. Is it going to continue to grow roots during flower or do they stop after the stretch?
Also, when do I switch to bloom nutes? Do I do it now or wait until I can make out flowers without a magnifying glass? Is it a gradual switch or all at once. Any help for a newbie with a head swimming with questions is greatly appreciated. The picture is from a week ago.



Well-Known Member
I’d just leave in the 5 gal. You will still get a nice plant. I would keep feeding veg nutes for a couple of weeks through the stretch phase, then once you start seeing “budlets”, I’d switch to bloom.