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Up to date bud prices thread:Jan 2010


Active Member
I understand what you are saying, i'm just saying that most of these high prices are in areas that you will go to prison for a seedling.... like here... hence the high price of bud here...
Where do u live. I really feel bad for u guys ..I remember getting oz for 220 when I was 12 years of age ..and I thought that was $$$.and I here u guys paying 30o a zip makes me wanna cry for you..


Where do u live. I really feel bad for u guys ..I remember getting oz for 220 when I was 12 years of age ..and I thought that was $$$.and I here u guys paying 30o a zip makes me wanna cry for you..

$300?? go check my post... how bout 4-5??? louisiana bro.... I pull 300 now, and i am a happy camper ;)
Where do u live. I really feel bad for u guys ..I remember getting oz for 220 when I was 12 years of age ..and I thought that was $$$.and I here u guys paying 30o a zip makes me wanna cry for you..

I would lovethe day that I could find a zip for less than 400, the average price here in the 757 is 450 plus for a ounce.

cryyy for mee.


Well-Known Member
I've lived out west for the last 15 years. I'm spoiled with 200/oz of super. Street prices are a bit higher, but nothing like when I lived out east for a year in Pittsburgh,PA. They have alot of shitty weed and want 200+/oz for it.


Well-Known Member
shit girl!! maybe i need to reconsider my move.... but Cali is alot warmer than Canada..... dont know if i could handle those temps yall get in the winter:-|
yea...i love the cold. i'd never be able to handle living somewhere thats always hot. but you should at least go up here for a vacation or something like that...good bud, good prices, canadian strippers can get completely naked...:hump: its not bad up here at all! haha

rookie 420

In Kentucky I can get G13, Super Skunk, White Widow, Purple Power for $200 an oz. The best stuff I've had so far tho is a local outdoor strain they call Fredonia Valley Pine Bud, I threw up and my boy fainted after a few bong rips.


yea...i love the cold. i'd never be able to handle living somewhere thats always hot. but you should at least go up here for a vacation or something like that...good bud, good prices, canadian strippers can get completely naked...:hump: its not bad up here at all! haha

I would highly consider coming up in the summer months, but i couldnt handle your cold...... unless you were the one getting naked :) ... jk... kinda...
merry Christmas Sarah, its always nice to see you back here more. :hug:


Well-Known Member
The market is so volatile. I don't think the older threads are accurate. I want to see the current prices you are paying for an ounce. And what area you're at. I'll start...

Nor Cal- 250 an oz for Kush and other name brand shit.
200 oz depends on the month always 200 though ak 47 trainwreck just had one of lemonade tasting shit didn't have a name just tasted good got me retarded:joint:
ordered the stuporsonic the other day


Well-Known Member
Yo, whats with the herb so good it makes you puke. I mean really dude??

I sure hope you were drunk, or had food poisoning or something. I have smoked a good amount & variety of bud over the years. However, nausea was probably one of the only sensations I have NEVER had on the chron.

Wow, & you are in Kentucky payin 2 bills for zips of all those lovely names you rattled off?

Here's the thing. I grew up a few states from KY, and have met plenty of folks from there at different times thru the years.

(First allow me to say that I have nothing against Kentucky, I (and lots of my friends) just have gotten screwed by them several times. For the simple reason that what is called "the kind", "chronic", "superfunk" in KY. Only passes as such in KY.

About a year ago, my memory was refreshed by a kid a worked with (bout 25) who was from KY. And told me of all the "bomb shit" he used to get. & how much better is was for both quantity & price. After a few months of dogging the locals, his "boy" came in to town with some homegrown "Whtie Widow", "Orange Kush", and bout 3 other strands I can't remember the name of.

Here's the thing, ya'll (not you, these people of course), LOVE to slap all the names on stuff. But dude, the herbs do the talkin for themselves. Long story longer, finally I was able to lay my eyes on these jewels. IT WAS TOTAL CRAP. I mean yes, it was homegrown, but I would take mexi bricks ANY day over "Kentucky Kind". I'll spare rest of details from the KY - OG I met last year, needless to say I haven't seen either of them since they "came with the fire".

The other main instance, was bout 10 years back. One of my closesest bros lived up in the stix near Fredxburg, VA. Met this cat who was always tellin us how much we were gettin our heads beat in over prices for kind (that was a decade ago when you could actually score a q of hydro for 80-100 beans). Anyway, he had "the plan" for us. Told my buddy that he could get him all straightened & find lbo's of kind for a little over $500/ per piece (shoulda sent red flag up there) if we just drove him to his cousin, brother, some kinda relative up in the mountains of KY. Dude showed my buddy a piece of somethin that looked similar to beasters for 5bills an lb. I believe ya'll know where this is going. My buddy drove 9 hours into the moutains w/ 5K for this magical "Kentucky Kind". Evidently, he got there, dude (brother-cousin) showed a few pieces of something looking simlar to beasties again & made the purchasem (granted he was tired & road weary). Loaded up, drove home, & we about straight kicked his ars when he got back. He said he watched dude break out on the triple beams, & weight was right. But on the nine hour drive home he lost 1lb of weight (simply b/c it wasn't cured & dried properly, not to mention shitty DNA from jump street).

Anyway, I had to try & help my buddy make his money back. Probably a few of the hardest weeks of my life. Ended up swinging this trash (oh forgot, this stuff was supposed to be a mix of Northern Lights & Widows, from what brother-cousin told him). Anyway, we ended up having to make people buy zips for like 50bucks / per piece & still had a hard time even @ that. (This was when regos were only 100/ per Z, just to give you an idea.

Again, not to hate on the bluegrass state or anything, I suppose my dealings with them (there a few other instances, those are 2 most glaring) taught me truly that if it sounds too good to be true, its from KY. Nah, dude I mean no harm, & am not a prick. Just obviously these wounds run deep.

When I heard Kentcuky, saw the list of strains you rattled off like a Rotterdam coffee shop, & then saw that you only pay 2/ per zip, it brought back all this.

Have you traveled much?

Ever been to west coast & compared your standard of kind?

I mean dude, I have to pay up over 20/ per G now for the kiler. Just be weary when people break off titles for anything.

Rattle off whatever thousands of strain names ya need. It only takes 2 seconds with the nose in their to tell whats what.

If you truly are getting the funk in KY for less than 2 bills an o. You play on playa.

Because you are gettin a way better deal than a good friend that I have (tranplant of course) that lives in Lexington. Which I hear is the one of the larger cities. This is someone how has been burnin for bout 3 decades. He advises that he can't really buy anything there, and that my past experiences are right on.

And don't give me the "it's who ya know" shiz. As this dude has been in Lexington for over 10 years now (married into it), and has spent his entire life procuring contacts in this culture, here at home & wherever he goes. He's one of those, "this culture is his entire life" kinda deals.

And after 10 years, he still says that in KY he can't burn it if he didn't cure it.

But you stay up, thats my humble 2 cents of experience. Maybe just hopin someone can learn from my experiences.


190 half ounce of some good stuff
170 for mids

johnny is paying super tax at resale level

in chicago if you know the right people you can get triple aaa dank for like 3k-3200......

kush 3500-4k a elbow.

beasters are even cheaper! and you can grab some flame ass mids aka baby dro for 800-a stack for a p

shit you can buy 5 daller bags of heroin to lol 2 daller holler rocks, 7 daller rolls, 10-15 bux newport dipped in liq. pcp twice.

chicago is a major transhipping center for all narcotics moving eastword.....


Well-Known Member
johnny is paying super tax at resale level

in chicago if you know the right people you can get triple aaa dank for like 3k-3200......

kush 3500-4k a elbow.

beasters are even cheaper! and you can grab some flame ass mids aka baby dro for 800-a stack for a p

shit you can buy 5 daller bags of heroin to lol 2 daller holler rocks, 7 daller rolls, 10-15 bux newport dipped in liq. pcp twice.

chicago is a major transhipping center for all narcotics moving eastword.....
We got the same exact prices in Philly but the 7 dollar rolls aint that good do yall got the bright green ones with 13 stamped into them?


We got the same exact prices in Philly but the 7 dollar rolls aint that good do yall got the bright green ones with 13 stamped into them?

there is all kinds of rolls comming from canada threw michigan to ill. you can get them cheap has hell if you buy a few jars.... like a buck and some change a pill