Upcoming clinic - New or Renewal. MERRY XMAS!


Well-Known Member
I should note that the clinic advertised at the start of this thread is not mine or associated with me in any way. My comments were in reference to what I do at my clinics, it does not imply that all clinics adhere to those standards. Those in the Clare area wishing to attend one of my clinics can go to the Grayling clinic on the 5th and 19 or I'm in my Mt. Pleasant Office on Wednesdays every week.

Dr. Bob

I would reckon that is why so many people utilize those "Other" Clinics. They are not Associated with you in any way.


Well-Known Member
What is the beef with the good Doc? Bloody, Timmah, what exactly is the rub here? Why are you guys so hostile towards Dr Bob? Is there something that you're aware of that you'd like to share? Is he secretly working with a group looking to toss us under the bus? Is this some petty online drama from MMMA being played out over here now? Something else? What's the deal?

Personally I'm getting sick and fucking tired of clicking on every thread in here only to see this nonsense! If there's a legitimate reason we should shun Dr Bob, then please come off of it. If not, can we put this to rest already?


Well-Known Member
You would think having a doctor as a member of the RUI community would be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
You would think having a doctor as a member of the RUI community would be a good thing.

You are correct, that would be a great thing. We have many, and the BEST ONES only concern themselves with their Patients care, and not try to introduce bills that cause Patients and Caregivers MORE Problems and Restrictive Legislation that only benefits those on top of the Distrobution Pyramid.

How do you feel about mandatory testing Dr. Bob. How do you feel about 2 CGs per Pt, and 10 Pts per CG Dr. BOB? How do you feel about a CG with 10 PTs, each having 12 plants, for a total of the ability to grow 120 plants, 20 over the general Federal claim of 99 plants Dr Bob? How do you feel about wanting Every Patient in the State being able to be Accessed through the LIEN System Dr. Bob?

Yes it would be MOST Excellent to have a Dr involved in the Community that ONLY WORRIED about the HEALTH of the Patients, instead of how much he could line his pocket with his ACCREDITED CAREGIVER Status, and 3 visits to the good DR BEFORE YOU Can get your Patient Card. Yeah, it would be nice.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Tim, you are a funny guy, I often sit up at night trying to figure out how you come up with this stuff. Not.

I'm not here to be interrogated by a guy who clearly is just out for harassment without cause, trying to discuss bills he didn't read. Have a good night and welcome to block.

If folks have serious questions that have some relationship to something, I'm all ears and would be happy to respond.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
Tim, you are a funny guy, I often sit up at night trying to figure out how you come up with this stuff. Not.

I'm not here to be interrogated by a guy who clearly is just out for harassment without cause, trying to discuss bills he didn't read. Have a good night and welcome to block.

If folks have serious questions that have some relationship to something, I'm all ears and would be happy to respond.

Dr. Bob
Dr. Bob, I don't know ya personally but a good friend who I would probably trust with my life at this point says you're a good guy. Till I know something to the contrary, I'll hang my hat on that.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Dr. Bob, I don't know ya personally but a good friend who I would probably trust with my life at this point says you're a good guy. Till I know something to the contrary, I'll hang my hat on that.
I appreciate hearing that. I guess you have to look at the reliability of those on both sides of the issue to get some insight into this nonsense. Your friend seems reliable.

Honestly I don't pay much attention to this noise. I used to point out the errors but I'd put effort into it and they would just go to a new board and post the same old crap. Funny thing is he said the same thing just the other day and I called him on it, telling him to point out in the bill where it said any of that.

After a few days of sulking and hoping people will forget how I handed him his tail yet again, here he is with the same old crap. As if everyone forgot. Funny if it wasn't such a poor reflection on the education system in this country. Don't they teach critical thinking and fact checking in grammar school any more?

Dr. Bob