Upcoming Hydro DWC conversion for flowering Have Q's.


Well-Known Member
I love the way people care so much if there answer is most important. I show some roots that are clearly amazing and you have bigger roots. Wheres the pics? Oh yah those roots are just off the plants that i can still lift the lid. This person wants to learn something and 2 answers is def better than 1. I don't critique your answer. let him decide. good luck man


Well-Known Member
I love the way people care so much if there answer is most important. I show some roots that are clearly amazing and you have bigger roots. Wheres the pics? Oh yah those roots are just off the plants that i can still lift the lid. This person wants to learn something and 2 answers is def better than 1. I don't critique your answer. let him decide. good luck man
Where do you think my pics are?

You don't critique my answer? I say 'you can never have to much air' and you chime in with some bullshit you googled about aquariums. MJ is not aquatic just because 75% of it is water. You are mostly made of water too. Does that make you aquatic? I'd like to see you grow and flower MJ under water.



Well-Known Member
Many above ground plants can be grown fully submerged. I have grown many ferns and even tried plants with sturdy bark. some will die overnight but some will continue to grow fully submered. If you swim under water and have oxygen then yes you can grow a human under water. we came from it in the beginning. I never critiqued your answer but did give more facts than you. The statement you can never have enough is not backed up by anyhing you said. If i were to have googled this info i still put more effort into his question than you. whats with the jelousy and wheres the root pics? how many ppm of o2 you runnin? no idea right?


Well-Known Member
ag sorry man don't need to be banned. Plus i see your journal underneath anyways now. didn't dought the plants really anyways. good luck


Well-Known Member
This should help. Since you have 5 x 4 obviously a 250 won't cover that. A 2 x 4 flower room would give you room for 16 plants perfectly. They will tend to grow short and form 1 main cola because side branching will be minimal. I knpw you wanted to only flower 4-6 but those would have to be decent sized plants and would take longer and prob yield less. A small sog with a 250 could be great. You could use the other part for cloning and getting them ready to be flowered with flouros. This way you can overlap prob couples weeks and save the time. get the perpetual harvest going for you. Also been doing lots of research into oxygen. It seems in real world experience and my own that just sticking a large petsmart aquarium airpump in there will provide plaenty. as for a water pump they normally help circulate water in aquariums and dissolve oxygen but in your system the only benefit would be it would stir your nutes. your res has a pretty air tight lid and there wouldn't be a fresh supply of air getting into the res anyways to dissolve because of the pots and lid. but it would stir for you and yes i've thought about doing it just for that reason but then thought it would stress the roots. So i wouldn't try it. Once the roots have grown into the solution the depth is not as important. But never let it get lower than about half inch minimum. Not that anything could really happen but you might go out and come back to find they used that last bit in 2 hours and are now dry. plus adding a little water every other day or so keeps less shock on the plant than letting it go way down and then topping it up. Also when it comes to bubble wands just get the kind that make many tiny bubbles and not big bubbles. more tiny = more surface area and more dissoving per second. Once e week change the whole res and start with fresh nutes. When you top it up over the course of the week you do not add nutes. Could burn them but if you notice they handle the amount youve given them then you could try adding small amounts to maybe every second top up. depends on strain. Once youve filled the res and added nutes THEN check the ph. Get it to about 5.6 and throughout the week let it rise to about 6.2 ph. This allows for maximum use of the nute solution because different nutrients are stricktly available at certain ph. Don't go above 6.5 though as mj tend to lock out everything above that. Keep the res solution temp at basically 65 to 73 degrees. If you get to warm it can cause root rot. But honestly i've never had that happen and i don't check it often. So hopefully that should get you going with some specifics. let me know. seeya


Well-Known Member
This should help. Since you have 5 x 4 obviously a 250 won't cover that. A 2 x 4 flower room would give you room for 16 plants perfectly.
It's actually planned out as 3x3 area for plants, and the additional room is for a standing fan and for me to walk AROUND my plants lol. Thought it out when I was putting a tiny door on a tiny hidden room thats about 1ft shorter then I am, So I have to kneel squat or hunch over, and with my bad back it's not possible to just lean over all the time.

I can how ever kneel on a pillow or something and as long as I have room (the added 1x1 around the room) gives me space to put my legs :)

Also I'm a legal self medical grower, they gave me a limit as to how many I can "Legally" have meaning I can only have SO many plants, and SO many clones, and dry weight at one time, etc.
I have to play by the rules that they set so I don't fuck up legalizing it for everyone else here in NorCal! So respectively I am going to stay with my few plants, although I will admit If it was legal I'd build a barn and flood it with a SOG.

Also ty for the response, all the other info was welcome. TY!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
good luck man. didn't think of it like that. thought u were already breaking the law. i don't think about it much. i'm canadian! lol. seeya


Well-Known Member
good luck man. didn't think of it like that. thought u were already breaking the law. i don't think about it much. I'm Canadian! lol. see ya
Lol well hello there neighbor, your right above me huh? You live near BC and what do you know about the 3 that were almost extradited by the USA? For there "Politics" referring to pot.
I have no idea what that actually means as they didn't explain the details in full. I do remember that Michelle Rainy was one of them and she owns a BC marijuana party bookstore (I think that's the name)

Also your welcome to come stop by my ACTUAL grow journal to see how the progress is coming along. The link is in the sig. Hope to have some of your input there if I run into trouble he he. And TY AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
yah i'll check out your thread for sure. but i'm not near bc. far from it. canada is to big. think more towards toronto. good luck man and i'll be there


Well-Known Member
yah i'll check out your thread for sure. but i'm not near bc. far from it. canada is to big. think more towards toronto. good luck man and i'll be there
Ya I know where Toronto is. I used to work with newspapers online and we did papers from there. I was just wondering if it made Canadian pot culture word of mouth headlines he he.