Lol that pic doesn't show what i was talking about very well at all now does it?
I thought the same after I looked at the picture again, in person there is a portion of leaf that is lookin really crispy but still green, idk the rest is very healthy.
I have 2 pretty large fans going at all times in the closet they're growing in. The closet doors are shut most of the time but they're vented so there's good ventilation.
(to test it i went into my grow room and ripped a bowl a few times to see where the smoke went, it cleared out the room faster than i could even finish blowing it out of my lungs.)
your leaves should soon all turn yellow and die so i wouldnt be to worried about it unless there are spots or patches sshowin up....the fan leaves from this point on will slowly begin to yellow and die
Yeah I wasn't too worried, the plant with the fucked up leaves i spoke of is way younger than the 2'+ one so I'm not really expecting a fat yield from it anyway but thanks for the info about the leaves, I probably would've been like what the fuck have i done? if i saw all the leaves dying.
But will that really happen that soon? I'm not that far into flowering i hardly have budz yet just hairs.
im not to sure ifd that would rely on genetics but as far as i kno if ur flowerin and the fan leaves...just the fan leaves are dyin thats normal. if the leaves growin wit the cola budz are dyuin thats not normal
yeah the "petals" or whatever are fine, the only leaves that have had any problems have been fan leaves but not even bad problems, nothing that will effect me gettin a legit harvest