update: 3 weeks flowering w/pics

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
well its been a week, and omg the smell is starting to linger in the G-room. smells very fruity, like a bunch of different fruits all combined.. but with a sweet skunky smell mixed in with it too. as this being my second grow, all and any comments and suggestions and questions are welcome! tell me what you guys think, ill post more pics in another week. ---this link is the previous thread---> https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/384227-new-rollitup-day-16-flowering.html (i have 8 more plants on a week and a half veg in my closet, 2 are forbidden fruit and 6 are bagseed. as soon as i harvest these plants ill transplant my lil guys from 12oz cups to 1gallon pots. im going to try a new grow technique i learned called LST. ill post pics as soon as i transplant/harvest)


i would defo advise uing lst m8 it is a great help and can give such better yeilds from any size plant

plants looking well too m8 keep up the good work

by growin we are keeping the carbon foot print down so how do u like that mr prime minister

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
for my canopy light i have a 4ft 6lamp high output slimstar floursecent light. bulbs are all warm spectrum for flowering. on the right side of my plants i have a 400watt hps light hanging sideways to penetrate through the right side of the canopy, and on the left side of my plants i have a 150watt hps light hanging sideways to penetrate thorugh the left side of the canopy.


they look like you had the light to far away they look like they stretched a real lot unless its just the strain but either way nice job tommy likie hahaha

my names not tom its from tommy boy lol

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
yeah im pretty sure its the strain, ive had the floros no further than 5 inches from the top of the biggest one at all times. but thank you so much! im sooooo fucking excited, they get bigger every day and smell like sweet skunky fruit rollups!!! only about 5-6 more weeks!