Update for Thunderbird Biomedical


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why they let them grow at all, if it cannot be sold??
Where does it go if it can't pass? If it can't pass now, it won't pass later!

Out the back door for hash and oil it goes
Who's to say if it does or not. Who is minding the mint?
What Law enforcement is watching LP's??? I wanna know that ? :lol:


Active Member
I don't understand why they let them grow at all, if it cannot be sold??
Where does it go if it can't pass? If it can't pass now, it won't pass later!

Out the back door for hash and oil it goes
Who's to say if it does or not. Who is minding the mint?
What Law enforcement is watching LP's??? I wanna know that ? :lol:
You crawl before you walk. you walk before you run. You don't stop crawling just because you cant yet walk.

You grow before you harvest. You harvest before trim. You trim (and cure) before you sell.
Health Canada is making producer show they can grow at least a crop before they approve them, so they don't get more In The Zones and Thunderbirds and Whistlers and Peace Naturals.


Well-Known Member
really though, two producers approved for almost a year now and they haven't even put out a real strain list or a price, let alone some meds.


Well-Known Member
that's because they have a deal worked out so they can off it until they're licensed, and it's sold off by the other LP's.
Im sure ALL of them(lp's) would take product at next to nothing prices.
They sell shake after all. Selling more shit to people like Minnow is fine but to actual patients?
PPPHHHTTTT That's not meds!!! Its shwag green shrapnel.