Update from Conroy....


Well-Known Member
Didn't see this posted anywhere.....full synopsis in the link.


"I have now had an opportunity to review the new regulations 'ACMPR' that came into force a few days ago, namely August 24, 2016, and in my opinion they are, with respect to personal production or designated grower production, essentially the same as the old MMAR provisions in relation thereto.

Those medically approved patients covered by the Allied injunction of March 21, 2014 and continued February 24th, 2016. "Until further order of the court" that to do not need to make any changes can either continue under that status or apply under the ACMPR. It might be wise to do the latter to avoid the uncertainty of the former, unless there are particular individual benefits to continuing under the injunction status.

New patients and those medically approved patients who were not covered by the injunction, and we were told that there are approximately 10,000 of you out of the total of 38,000 registered MMAR patients as of March 31, 2014, and those of you who need to make any changes to their MMAR documents, even though otherwise grandfathered by the injunction, such as changing the address of your site or sites, can now do so by applying under the ACMPR and it is recommended that you do this as soon as possible.

The government has stated that this is an interim measure, and things may well change further depending upon the outcome of the ongoing consultations by the Task Force on Legalization that is due to report in November recommending how to legalize that the government said it will commence in the spring of 2017.

Given that the government is saying that they will be making more changes in that these are interim measures it is my opinion that those of you still covered by the injunction and being subject to "further order of the court" may be in a more precarious position that those who have applied and been approved under the a ACMPR when the time for further changes come."
Because when legalization eventually rolls out in 2018 medical will be integrated into it. So another injunction will likely be needed. Hence why they keep reiterating this program isnt set in stone
seems odd he's recommending mmar holders to join the acmpr..

Those medically approved patients covered by the Allied injunction of March 21, 2014 and continued February 24th, 2016. "Until further order of the court" that to do not need to make any changes can either continue under that status or apply under the ACMPR. It might be wise to do the latter to avoid the uncertainty of the former, unless there are particular individual benefits to continuing under the injunction status.

Well, the person I DG for can't get an appointment with her MS doc until Spring next year. She's a new doc for this person, but is aware that the person is a regular MMJ user. They need no changes to their script, and I keep them well supplied for a reasonable cost. Not sure if she'll sign or not...we'll see next year? So it makes sense for me to wait and just carry on supplying them as usual. I also don't wanna pay $50 for a CIPC check now, if injunction DG's wont need them for the forseeable future.

My doc will sign new HC paperwork (N/C) anytime, and I don't need any changes...so again, I'll just hang tight to our pinks til the dust settles.
there's not that much uncertainty for mmar patients
most of us were legal long before all the poo hit the fan.....
the Harper self-servatives did their best.....to take away the rights all patients had
fought for back in the day...
even though the courts had already spoken in 2000... they just showed us nothing but disregard
and tried to slowly chip away at the mmar.....which was mostly honest folks...looking after their own healthcare.
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That would go against their own formula of 5 plants/gram....unless they try to limit scripts to 5 grams?
They have no authority to limit prescriptions. They've kind of shot themselves in the foot not allowing research all these years....no has died or overdosed as far as I know....research done. They can only limit to the lethal dose ie they couldn't give me more than 1600mg of morphine a day....can't say that about cannabis.
the clinic i go through-MCRCI-said they won't reduce prescriptions so the limit to plants doesn't make sense.
i would like to see how they split the new licenses as there are some who will grow outdoors in summer and indoors in winter.
If folks don't buy....they die......sounds good to me....jail you before...invoice you now.
Fuckin LP scum.