This is to show the MJ12Led light with and without a Flash to show what the COB lights look like ( I got a few requests from folks to "see" what they look like without Power turned ON, so here they are, hope they answer your questions.
If you have ANY questions, go to to see what it is all about, they have a question & answer section to answer your questions. The company I got this from is , a totally American firm involved in the lighting industry,if you go check their website, you'll see that they are involved in Residential & Commercial, Agricultural lighting, and THIS Light is their newest release, I'm going to let the lights do the talking, MrsFarmer & I are TOTALLY Impressed with the output and brightness of this light. It gives out the WHITEST Light and seriously bright, it rivals our 1000w SuperHPS Hortilux bulb, I'm impressed.
If you have ANY questions, go to to see what it is all about, they have a question & answer section to answer your questions. The company I got this from is , a totally American firm involved in the lighting industry,if you go check their website, you'll see that they are involved in Residential & Commercial, Agricultural lighting, and THIS Light is their newest release, I'm going to let the lights do the talking, MrsFarmer & I are TOTALLY Impressed with the output and brightness of this light. It gives out the WHITEST Light and seriously bright, it rivals our 1000w SuperHPS Hortilux bulb, I'm impressed.