Update on my grow before and after pics inside


Active Member
Hey i just wanted to give an update on my plants and show how theyre doing. I planted them in the ground on 6-23-12. Theyve been in the ground a little less than a month and all except one has doubled or tripled in size. Btw they are all currently revegging, well except for the gdp that one has already flowered and would not go back to veg mode despite my efforts. Im currently feeding them a rotating feeding schedule. One feeding miracle grow, second feeding im using age old growth, then on the third im using super thrive with a little molasses in it. And then finally at the end of the week i just use water.

Anyways heres a few pics of when i planted them back on 6-23-2012



Heres them as of 7-13-2012



Active Member
Ya i wish we could put a pool out there. But we bbq and eat near the garden for the most part. Plus it smells good so well just go out there and relax next to the plants


Active Member
Also with plants these sizes hiw much more growth should i expect by harvest and should i count on maybe a couple ozs per plants or maybe a half lb per plant?


Active Member
Mine were just a little bit smaller than those last year (in pots) and I ended up with 2 zips dried and cured per plant. So you should do pretty good bro!!


Active Member
Heres another update on my plants. Theyve been in the ground since june 24th. When they were planted they were about ft tall. Since then theyve grown to almost 4ft tall. So theyve grown about 3 feet in about 34 days. here are a couple pics.


Well-Known Member
if I were you I would get some black plastic sheeting or tarp up on that dog eared fence because I can see straight through bro


Active Member
Ya ive already addressed that issue with the fence. Lucky for me the house behind me is abandoned so therea not alot of traffic back there. Plus i have motion detectors all over the yard:)


Active Member
many of those are potential half pounders
Oh wow. I wasnt expecting that much lol. I have a question tho. My neighbor put a couple lights in the yard they areant very bright but there is a blue one and a red one. Both are about 20 feet away and they are not facing the plants but will that effect them or stop them from flowering?


Active Member
Depends on the intensity of light getting to your girls at night. Green light wont affect it, but blue and red will. I would just keep an eye on them and see how they react as he days get shorter. Are they starting to go into flower?? If the light isnt reaching the plants, you should be good. I mean, think of a full moon on a clear night. Moon light can be pretty damn bright some nights. I have a street light about 100-125 feet away, but the light doesnt directly shine on them during the night. Good luck man!


Active Member
Actually one is green and the other one is orange lol i dont know how i mixed the colors up like that. The lights areant very intense and they dont shine in the same direction as my plants. They mostly point straight up.