update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

I've never cloned so if it don't work o well just tryin to get the hang of clone with this bagseed plant while my NL is germing thy are fem so I plan to do one mother out of the five in have. Which ever is the best phenotype will be the next mother and keep at least one nl at all time then I plan to find another bad ass strain and end up crossing nl with it four times get the best mother then cross is with Kayla gold due to kayas ability to withstand harsh conditions. Going to make a bad ass stain of my own and market it to my patients. Can buy clones or bud. Got big plans just gotta get the show movin and be patient. I didn't check ph but I will. Where about should the ph be? They been in water six days and one had a few roots so I stuck her In dirt as a test so ill post more pics of them after this post. Brb with clone pic
20140317_072207.jpg oops posted the same one twice. And as gar as herm is go u can smoke it or make hash. It will be just like Reggie yt? Ou buy on the street but way better. Hash is easier cause u don't have to pick the seeds. Dry the whole thing and throw it in high I so or a bubble bag and you good. Get high as giraffe pussy lol


Well-Known Member
That is a very nice bottom you have there it looks so smooth and bouncy...completly distracted me from wtf you guys are talking about
20140323_203123.jpg20140323_203246.jpg hooked up scrubber as she started to smell pretty good and an updated pic on her status hopefully bitch will stop the growth spurt and bud soon


Anyone got thoughts/suggestions?
Your funny and yes your wife does have a nice bum. My thought are that we need to teach you how to be patient. The plant can feel your energy, just love her and she will love you. Looks like she has a nice environment. Did you get her clones to live?yes indica dominant


Active Member
Youve not got that carbon filter running sitting there have you?!It wont be doing anything sitting there,heat rises,you want it hanging in the space above your light.
Your plant looks fine,just be patient.Also,its best not to take clones from your plant once shes flowering,not only is it not good for the mother-you want her putting all her energy into producing nice bud-but its not good for the clones either and they end up going all wrong for a while,I have a clone flowering now that I took from a flowering mother and its only just started growing normal leafs again now and thats been 6 weeks.
Good luck man Im in!
Ps Meant to say,you should get cal mag.I use it,not alot just quarter strength,but it definitely makes a difference.Peace
Right now the filter has to stay there but to compensate I have a fan at the top of the tent blowing down and one on the bottom blowing up. I know it isn't ideal but untill I get longer duct it will have to wait. Im in a very small town with people saying the don't make six in duct only four so I have to order it online. Yeah the cli news have rooted and technically r he plant was only just showing signs of female not even pistils yet when I took em so hopefully they will be ok. I know I should be patient but this thing has gotten massive in a short time so surely it should be showing a bud or two. I always get excited cause i like seeing how different the bud looks from this plant and since its bagseed I have no clue how it will look and im anxious lol. Does tigerbloom had N in it? Mine are kinda clawing and I been using 1/4 tsp of tiger and 1/4 big bloom thinking or upping dose


Active Member
Ime clawings down to either heat or if the leaves are a really dark green color then its Nitrogen toxicity.Your lady looks ok,if anything the clawing may just be a bit of heat stress but it looks good.Youre well on your way to getting buds,any day now by the looks of things,sometimes its best just to leave them be for a couple of days,I know what its like but they take fucking forever to grow when youre watching them constantly.
As for nutes,Im not sure about that.I just use Bio Bizz grow and bloom and Magne-Cal.:joint:
No heat stress. Temps are a high of 80 usually 78 and 68-70 at nights in a just let er go and see what happens I just ? I get a few ounces outta my 600


Active Member
Is that lamp a 600?Thats a crazy amount of light for one plant that size,thats alot of light going to waste and alot to be spending on electricity for one plant.If youve any beans lying around Id get them in some dirt and grow them 12/12 from seed,just to make use of the light,you can still get decent size plants,check these2014-03-20 23.57.05-1.jpg